The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) is demanding the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) withdraw their Biofuels and Food Security report given its flaws and their refusal to release the report’s funding sources. The organization’s call to action comes as the Committee on World Food Security’s (CFS) annual Plenary gets underway in Rome, Italy. …

Renewable Fuels Fall Preview
Congress is preparing to return to work and renewable fuels will be top of mind at their return with debate still ongoing around the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as well as the need to pass a bi-partisan FAARM bill before the end of September. Fuels America recently brought together several renewable fuel experts held a call to discuss the progress …
Land Availability Should Determine Biomass Use
According to a paper published by the nova-Institute on agricultural feedstock use in industrial applications, efficiency and sustainability assessed on a case-by-case basis should be the sole criteria in judging the choice of feedstock used. The paper reviewed the “food versus fuel” arguments surrounding feedstocks to help shed light on the debate on how feedstocks should be used. The institute …
EU Votes to Cap Biofuel “Food” Feedstock Use
This week the European Parliament Environment Committee voted for the European Union (EU) to cap the amount of food used as biofuels at 5.5 percent. Groups opposed to the measure want to see an end to biofuels created from “food” crops. The EU’s Renewable Energy Directive requires EU member states to use 10 percent of the road transport fuel from …
Groups React to FAO Biofuels Study
Emotions are mixed regarding the findings in a recent report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that was released in Rome during a meeting with ambassadors. The report found that biofuel from crops has a significant and direct impact on food prices and food availability. In response, ActionAid said the report shows how Europe’s biofuel targets are driving …
CFS Releases New Biofuels Studies
Several new studies have been released on biofuels and investment needs of small-scale farmers released by the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). Report no. 5: Biofuels and Food Security finds that world biofuel production increased five-fold in the decade between 2001-2011. As a result, the report attempts to identify the impacts …
EU Votes In Favor of Biofuels
A proposal from the European Commission that would limit the amount of food produced from biofuels made from food crops was amended today by the European Parliament industry, research and energy committee. The Committee voted to raise the proposed cap on biofuels from 5 percent to 6.5 percent and also voted not to implement indirect land use change (ILUC) factors. …
DF Cast: Creating, Not Extracting, Sugars for Biofuels
One of the big issues that continues to dog the biofuels business, especially ethanol production, is the use of food crops as fuel sources. While many have made the case that the crops can provide both food AND fuel (consider the dried distillers grains from ethanol production, for example), a New Jersey-based company thinks it has a way to remove …
REG Makes Case that Biodiesel Helps Food Supply
Apparently tired of false claims that biodiesel takes from the food supply, biodiesel maker Renewable Energy Group has put out a whitepaper that actually shows how the green fuel is helping the food supply. Biodiesel Magazine has this good summary of “Food THEN Fuel: How the American Biodiesel Industry Is Strengthening Food Security.” “[C]ritics of biofuels have [tried] to convince …
Most Entertaining Panels at Ethanol Conference
As always, the Global Perspectives and Washington Insiders panels at the National Ethanol Conference were as entertaining as ever. The panels routinely feature representatives from other organizations that may not share the same viewpoint of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), allowing the opportunity for some interesting dialogue. Global Renewable Fuels Alliance spokesperson Bliss Baker served as the moderator/referee for the …