Groups Provide Climate Smart Ag Comments

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Biofuels groups submitted comments this week to USDA on its interim rule for climate-smart agriculture guidance to support the new 45Z tax credit for clean fuel producers.

The Renewable Fuels Association emphasized the importance of policies that empower farmers while ensuring a robust and efficient renewable fuels market.

RFA highlighted the benefits of a book-and-claim supply chain management system, which would allow farmers to sell the emissions reduction value of their on-farm practices separately from their physical crops, thereby ensuring flexibility in the grain market while still incentivizing sustainable farming.

RFA also argued for including enhanced efficiency fertilizers as an eligible practice in the final rule.

The American Coalition for Ethanol highlighted the importance of ensuring the guidelines are fully integrated into the implementation of the 45Z Clean Fuel Production Tax Credit and adopted consistently in state and regional clean fuel programs. ACE also emphasized the need for continuous improvement of the Feedstock Carbon Intensity Calculator (FD-CIC) accounting for specific crop yield, climate, soil, and management-specific estimates of nitrogen use efficiency and nitrous oxide emissions, as well as making updates based on real-world data, such as findings from ACE’s own USDA-funded Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) projects.

Clean Fuels Alliance America recommends USDA incorporate intermediate oilseed crops – such as winter canola – as a conservation crop rotation practice and update the USDA FD-CIC model to include these crops. Clean Fuels also urges USDA to ensure that the standards and requirements in the CSA program are complementary to the requirements for other USDA programs, particularly crop insurance.

ACE, Biodiesel, canola, Clean Fuels Alliance, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFS, USDA

Ethanol Report on Industry Roots

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The theme of the recent 30th National Ethanol Conference was Back to Our Roots and it was a celebration of how the industry started and how it’s going.

One panel featured a walk down memory lane with some industry pioneers who talked about the early days and how the roots of the ethanol industry were firmly planted by farmers. Included in this edition of The Ethanol Report podcast are comments from Karol King, Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy (SIRE); Rodney Jorgenson, Al-Corn Clean Fuel, MN; Todd Brown, Dakota Ethanol, SD; Rod Gangwish, KAAPA Ethanol, NE; and Dave VanderGriend, CEO, ICM, Inc.

Ethanol Report 3-19-25 17:55

Audio interviews, presentations and photos from the NEC can be found in the conference virtual newsroom.

The Ethanol Report is a podcast about the latest news and information in the ethanol industry that has been sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association since 2008.

Choose an option to subscribe

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Distillers Technology Council Rebrands

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Distillers Grain Technology Council has dropped the grain in the name for greater inclusion of producers to continue to deliver on its mission to increase awareness of the value of distillers products.

The Distillers Technology Council (DTC) is the new name for the non-profit organization which serves the fuel ethanol industry, the beverage alcohol industry, the livestock industry, and other affiliated organizations and individuals. The work of the organization focuses on improving the quality, value, and utilization of distillers products for use in animal feeds.

The group was founded in the 1940s as the Distillers Feed Research Council (DFRC) to assist the beverage distillery industry develop uses for their non-fermentable waste materials. In 1996, it expanded to also address the growing needs of the fuel ethanol industry, and the Distillers Grains Technology Council was born. In 2024, the Board of Directors recognized the evolution of the beverage and ethanol/biorefinery industries and the coproducts it produces and decided another name change was in order.

In addition to the name change, DTC had some other news to share. For nearly 80 years, the DTC has hosted an annual symposium on distillers products arising from the beverage and ethanol/biorefinery industries, but this year that will not happen.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of our control, we have had to cancel this year’s April 14-16 2025 Symposium in Bloomington, MN. Please mark your calendars for our 2026 Symposium scheduled for April 13-15 in Indianapolis, IN. The DTC is invigorating the agenda of the Symposium, making it a do not miss event!

Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, livestock feed

Groups Want Final 2026 Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes

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Organizations supporting biomass-based diesel are urging EPA to establish robust, timely Renewable Fuel Standard volumes for 2026 and beyond.

Members of Clean Fuels Alliance America, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Soybean Association, National Oilseed Processors Association, North American Renderers Association, and U.S. Canola Association sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin this week asking that EPA propose and finalize the 2026 biomass-based diesel volume at 5.25 billion gallons, along with a commensurate increase in the advanced biofuel volume.

“Setting these volumes for 2026 and establishing consistent growth for 2027 and beyond based on the industry’s investments and projections will ensure that American consumers can access affordable and clean transportation options. These volumes will support farm security, create jobs and economic opportunity, and further President Trump’s goal for U.S. energy dominance.”

AFBF, Ag group, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, EPA, RFS

National Biodiesel Day Celebrates Industry Growth

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Despite many challenges, biodiesel and renewable diesel have seen extraordinary growth in recent years, and Clean Fuels Alliance America is celebrating that progress today on National Biodiesel Day.

March 18 is the birthday of Rudolf Diesel, who invented the diesel engine and was a proponent of using plant oils to fuel vehicles and one of the forefathers of the biodiesel industry.

“Rudolf Diesel set out to change the world,” said Clean Fuels CEO Donnell Rehagen. “He was a fierce advocate for the use of vegetable and nut oil as fuel. He saw it not only as a tool to break up the oil monopoly but as an opportunity for economic growth in rural communities.”

Today, that vision is being realized like never before. Biodiesel and renewable diesel consumption hit the 5-billion-gallon mark last year for the first time and are now 9% of America’s diesel fuel supply.

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance

EPA Releases Final Rule for E15 Waiver Delay for SD and OH

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The Environmental Protection Agency has released the final rule to extend the date for Ohio and nine counties in South Dakota for year-round E15.

In response to a request from the Governors of Ohio and South Dakota, EPA renewed the extension of the effective date of the removal of the 1-psi volatility waiver because the agency “finds that there would be an insufficient supply of gasoline in Ohio and nine counties in South Dakota if the removal of the 1-psi waiver were to go into effect as currently required on April 28, 2025.”

Therefore, we are renewing the extension of the effective date by one year to April 28, 2026, for the entire state of Ohio, and the following nine counties in South Dakota: Butte, Custer, Fall River, Harding, Lawrence, Meade, Oglala Lakota, Pennington, and Perkins.

“This goes back to some of the fear-mongering from the petroleum industry,” said Robert White of the Renewable Fuels Association in a recent interview. “There was an actual statement that if South Dakota continued down the path with these seven other states, that there would not be fuel available west of the river…unfortunately the governor fell for that and asked for the delay.”

White says that is why a legislative fix through Congress for year-round, nationwide E15 is so important.

Classic 25 - Robert White, RFA 10:27

Audio, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

U.S. Ethanol Groups Working With Viet Nam

Cindy Zimmerman

Leaders from the Renewable Fuels Association, U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and Growth Energy this week signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Petrolimex, the largest petroleum distributor in Viet Nam, to promote the implementation of greater ethanol usage in that country.

The MOU follows the Viet Nam Ministry of Industry adopting a directive in December 2024 that aims to boost fuel ethanol utilization across the country. The directive outlines plans to promote the use of E5 RON92 and E100, develop new pricing mechanisms for ethanol blended gasoline, and coordinate potential amendments and technical regulations and standards for fuels.

U.S. ethanol industry leaders signing the MOU included RFA General Counsel and Vice President, Government Affairs Edward S. Hubbard, Jr.; USGC Chairwoman Verity Ulibarri; and Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor.

“This event is a big first step toward building Viet Nam’s capacity to leverage fuel ethanol so the country may take advantage of all the benefits ethanol provides. It promises to deepen our bilateral economic cooperation and trade between our countries. The U.S. ethanol industry is excited to work with the leaders in Viet Nam to bolster Petrolimex’s and Viet Nam’s fuel ethanol supply chain and infrastructure.”

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, USGC

Ethanol Exports Start Strong in 2025

Cindy Zimmerman

Coming off a record-breaking 2024, U.S. ethanol exports kicked off 2025 with momentum, according to the latest trade monitor report from the Renewable Fuels Association.

Ethanol exports increased two percent in January to reach a nine-month high of 198.1 million gallons (mg), fueled by surging shipments to India, which tripled its imports to 35.1 mg, the highest in four years. Canada retained its position as the top destination for the 46th consecutive month despite a 14% decline to 53.9 mg, with denatured ethanol making up 90% of the total. Exports to the European Union slowed 15% from December’s record high to 30.3 mg, predominantly shipped to the Netherlands, while the United Kingdom slashed imports in half to 14.1 mg. Other larger markets included Colombia (up 24% to 13.4 mg), the Philippines (down 4% to 11.3 mg), and Brazil (up 22% to 9.5 mg, a nine-month high). China remained virtually absent from the market.

The U.S. imported 1.7 mg of fuel ethanol in January, predominantly from Brazil. Additionally, 12.5 mg of industrial ethanol were imported, of which 68% was from Brazil and 26% was from Canada.

U.S. exports of dried distillers grains (DDGS) declined 24% in January to a 21-month low of 811,480 metric tons (mt) on mixed global demand. Mexico and South Korea collectively made up 41% of total DDGS exports—Mexico increased shipments by 17% to 229,331 mt, while South Korea lifted 10% to 105,644 mt.

Other expanding markets included Japan (up 13% to 46,391 mt), Thailand (up 55% to 25,335 mt), and China (up 20% to 20,569 mt). However, several key markets scaled back purchases, including Vietnam (-11% to 93,606 mt), Canada (-12% to 66,996 mt), Indonesia (-28% to 54,389 mt, a 2-year low), Turkey (-51% to 47,541 mt), and the European Union (-46% to 26,387 mt). The remaining 12% of DDGS exports were distributed across 19 countries.

Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, International, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, Trade

Ethanol Worth $2.1 Billion to MN Economy

Cindy Zimmerman

A new study shows Minnesota’s ethanol industry contributed $2.1 billion to the state’s gross domestic product in 2024, with 1.4 billion gallons of production generating $5.2 billion in economic activity and supported 18,434 jobs in the state.

“We know that ethanol produced in Minnesota is making our state more energy secure by displacing foreign imports and cleaning up our air because ethanol lowers greenhouse gas emissions. This report makes clear that the ethanol industry is also contributing to our economy through crop purchases, job creation, and state and local taxes,” said Brian Werner, executive director of the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association.

The study, conducted by the University of Minnesota Extension, also found the industry produced several valuable co-products including 4.13 million tons of dried distillers’ grains with solubles (DDGS) and 463.8 million pounds of corn oil.

Of the $5.2 billion in economic activity generated in 2024, the study said $2.8 billion was generated from ethanol plants. The remaining $2.4 billion in economic activity, it said, were realized by industries in Minnesota involved in wholesale trade, crop production, real estate, utilities, professional and technical services.

The study said Minnesota’s ethanol industry generated $1.2 billion in income for Minnesota’s residents and paid $157.6 million in state and local taxes in 2024.

Ethanol, Ethanol News

Global Ethanol Summit Date Announced

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) has announced its third Global Ethanol Summit (GES) will be held in Washington, D.C., Oct. 19-22.

GES seeks to elevate ethanol’s international visibility and ongoing successful initiatives as a viable decarbonization solution within the transportation and emerging new uses sectors.

“Prior GES events have been great successes for the Council and the U.S. biofuels industry, and we’re excited for what’s on the agenda for our domestic and international attendees this year,” said Alicia Koch, USGC director of global ethanol export development. “While details about accommodations and a formal agenda will be released in the near future, make sure to save the date for GES 2025 and we hope to see you in the nation’s capital this fall!”

The Council anticipates this year’s event will attract 450 attendees and the program will feature policymakers, ministerial level officials representing the agricultural environmental and energy sectors, researchers, ethanol producers and more to discuss the environmental, human health and economic benefits of ethanol use while fostering collaboration and trade.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, USGC