GRFA Charts Global Food Prices vs Ethanol Production

Cindy Zimmerman

The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) has released a new chart that shows the opposite trends in the UN FAO’s Food Price Index (FPI) and world fuel ethanol production since 2008 from F.O. Licht’s 2017 forecasts. GRFA president Bliss Baker says the graph clearly demonstrates that “ethanol production is not a main driver of global food prices.” The chart shows …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, food and fuel, Food prices, International

New UN Report Shows Food vs Fuel Fallacy

Cindy Zimmerman

A new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) finds that food prices declined for the fifth year in a row in 2016, down 1.5 percent from 2015. That included a steady decline in cereal prices- which includes maize or corn – which fell 9.6 percent from 2015 and were down 39 percent from their 2011 peak. …

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, food and fuel, Food prices, International, RFA

UN Data Shows No Food Price Rise from Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) has released new data showing that global food prices in August experienced the steepest monthly drop since 2008, which casts doubt upon concerns about the impact of ethanol production in food price increases. According the the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA), the recent decline in food prices coincided with …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, food and fuel, Food prices, International

Food Prices Still Up Despite Lower Corn Prices

Cindy Zimmerman

With record corn production forecast this year comes lower corn prices, which makes the food versus fuel argument harder than ever to make, according to Growth Energy. Total corn production is now projected at 14.475 billion bushels, 550 million bushels more than last year’s record, while the average price received by farmers is expected to be $3.40 per bushel, the …

corn, Ethanol, food and fuel, Food prices, Growth Energy

Ethanol Report on Corn and Food Prices

Cindy Zimmerman

In this edition of the Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Senior Vice President Geoff Cooper talks about how corn prices have fallen but food prices continue to rise, and how that shows the “food versus fuel” argument is false. A new report from RFA compares corn prices to the price of dairy products, pork products, beef products, and poultry …

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, food and fuel, Food prices, RFA

Ag Subcommittee Hears Pros and Cons of RFS

John Davis

The food versus fuel debate arose once again in front of Congress. At last week’s U.S. House Ag Subcommittee hearing in Washington, D.C., opponents and proponents of the Renewable Fuels Standard presented their arguments on the RFS and its impact on the livestock industry. One of the biggest opponents of the RFS is the poultry industry. Their members argued that …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, food and fuel, Food prices, Government, Legislation, livestock, livestock feed, RFS

Ethanol Industry Bites Back at Restaurant RFS Attack

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Council of Chain Restaurants (NCCR) today announced a new campaign focused on repealing the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the ethanol industry is biting back. Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen says the restaurants just want to fatten profits while denying that it is energy that supersizes food costs. “Here’s a hot, heaping serving of …

ACE, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Food prices, Growth Energy, RFA, RFS

Ethanol Report on RFS-Food Price Study

Cindy Zimmerman

In this Ethanol Report, John Urbanchuk of ABF Economics talks about a new study, commissioned by the Renewable Fuels Association, that shows no direct correlation between the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the overall increase in food prices since 2008. Listen to or download the Ethanol Report here: Subscribe to “The Ethanol Report” with this link.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, Food prices, RFA, RFS

New Study on Food Prices and the RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

ABF Economics released a new, detailed analysis showing no direct correlation between the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the overall increase in food prices. The study, commissioned by the Renewable Fuels Association, specifically examined “the relationship between the RFS and recent changes in consumer food prices. Specifically this includes an examination of the relationship between corn prices and consumer food …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Food prices, RFA, RFS