a href=”http://blog.biodieselconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/nbb-13-clemson1.jpg”>If you have a passion for biosystems engineering and biodiesel then you should consider going to college at Clemson University (or transferring there for your advanced degree). Why? Because three of the coolest biodiesel researchers and innovators are currently working together to advance biodiesel. The biodiesel gurus are all members of Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel (Seriously students, why …

Next Gen Biodiesel Scientists From Lab To Dragster
What do Alex McCurdy, Michael Morgan and Robert Willis have in common? They all work in the same lab at Utah State University (USU) and are working on three integrated pieces of biodiesel research. They are members of Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel, and work in Lance Seefeldt’s lab, a professor in USU’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and a …
Meet Solben – Mexico’s Biodiesel Technology Leader
Here is a fun fact. Did you know that the average age of a person working in the Mexican biodiesel industry is 30 years old or younger? A bit different than in the U.S. where the average age is much older and the industry is recruiting students to join the biodiesel ranks with the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel. How …
NY Bioheat Honored With Industry Partership Award
The biodiesel industry has many to thank for efforts that have lead to greater adoption and support of biodiesel. One area that has been an early adopter is the Big Apple – New York City. Under the leadership of John D. Maniscalco, the CEO of the New York Oil Heating Association, New York City recently passed landmark registration: beginning in …
What Happens in Vegas, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas
If you are looking for a little inspiration for biodiesel, look no further than Las Vegas, or now the city I have renamed Las BioVegas. A community group of innovators, known as the Las Vegas Biodiesel User Group, became early adopters of the fuel blend and were awarded the Eye on Biodiesel: Inspiration award during the 10th Annual National Biodiesel …
Senator Dorgan: We Must Be Relentless
Former North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan is truly an advocate for biofuels. While in office, Dorgan authored the first renewable fuel bill, requiring 8 billion gallons of biofuels. When President Bush took office, he asked Dorgan to help write the bill that today is the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Dorgan gave an inspiring and funny presentation during the National Biodiesel …
More B For Me Please
More biodiesel please. If you were on the look out for biodiesel it could definitely be seen during the 10th Annual National Biodiesel Conference in Las Vegas. Last year was a roller coaster year for the industry but some good things happened, one of which was the $1 per gallon tax credit coming back. Another – increasing the volume of …
USDA Releases Climate Change & Ag Study
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released a comprehensive report that synthesize the scientific literature on climate change effects and adaptation strategies for U.S. agriculture. The report, “Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation,” was created a an input to the National Climate Assessment with scientists from the federal service, universities, non-governmental organizations, industry, tribal …
Ag Secy Vilsack Wins Nat’l Energy Leadership Award
The National Biodiesel Board praised Sec. Vilsack as one of the strongest advocates for renewable fuels in the nation, and presented him with the National Energy Leadership Award during the final day of the 10th Annual National Biodiesel Board Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. “I’ve witnessed the beginning of a rural renaissance that is remarkable, and you, sir, have …
Methanol Institute Releases Biodiesel Primer
The Methanol Institute released a report on the worldwide use of production of biodiesel during the 10th Annual Biodiesel Conference & Expo held in Las Vegas. Methanol is one of the products used to make biodiesel. “A Biodiesel Primer: Market & Policy Development, Quality, Standards and Handling,” provides the latest information on the role of methanol in biodiesel production an …