The Iowa Legislature has passed H.F. 640 that supports fuel choice for Iowa’s fuel retailers and consumers. The legislation protects retailers from Big Oil efforts to restrict competition by guaranteeing them the right to offer ethanol and biodiesel blends of their choice including E15, E85 and B20. “This legislation represents a solid step forward for higher ethanol blends, consumer choice, …
Free Fuel Workshops in Iowa
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) will be hosting a summer workshop series addressing upcoming changes in the fuels shipped to Iowa via the current pipeline system. According to IRFA, these workshops are aimed at assisting fuel retailers, suppliers and marketers in preparing for the first major change in the types of fuel available at retail locations since lead was …
Iowa Biodiesel Plants at Just Over Half Capacity
Iowa’s biodiesel plants are at just over half capacity … leaving a lot of room for growth of the green fuel in the state. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) says the refineries are at 54 percent capacity in the first quarter of 2013, producing 42.7 million gallons. Nine of the state’s 12 biodiesel plants reported production. If all 12 …
Sixth E15 Station Opens in Iowa
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association reports that Sperry One Stop in Coon Rapids is the sixth Iowa retailer to offer 15% ethanol as a registered fuel for all 2001 and newer passenger vehicles and all flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs). “This is a new station and we want to be offering the fuels of the future, and that’s cleaner-burning, American made …
Attacks on RFS, Blend Wall Bogus
The message being delivered to Washington, D.C. today is that Big Oil attacks on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), so-called blend wall and E15 are bogus. Today representatives from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA), the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) and the Auto channel held a briefing in the Capitol Visitors Center to discuss these issues as well as …
Ten Ways Renewable Fuels are Enviro
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has unveiled a list of 10 ways the renewable fuels industry is helping to improve the environment. According to IRFA, renewable fuels offer positive impacts on the environment compared to petroleum-based counterparts. “Renewable fuels make our planet a better place to live with healthier air and water, and that’s exactly what Earth Day is …
Iowa Senate Stands Firm on RFS
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) today congratulated the Iowa Senate for voting unanimously to pass Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5 (SCR 5) that urges the United States government to continue its commitment to energy independence and maintain its support of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). SCR 5, in part, states: “The United States government is urged to renew its …
IRFA Submits Comments on RIN White Paper
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has submitted a letter responding to the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s request for stakeholder comment on the Committee’s white paper regarding the so-called blend wall. IRFA Policy Director Grant Menke stated, “Our stakeholder comments focused on three main points. First, there is no valid E10 blend wall. The blend wall vanished as soon as …
Around the World on E15 – Twice
In the past month, residents of Baxter, Iowa have driven the equivalent of more than two trips around the world on 15% ethanol fuel (E15). The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) today reported that statistic since Baxter fuel retailer Kountry Korner began offering E15 as a registered fuel for 2001 and newer vehicles on March 8, 2013. “Since offering E15 …
Report: Iowa Biodiesel Sales Triple In 2 Years
According to a new report from the Iowa Department of Revenue (DOR), the total amount of biodiesel blended into diesel in Iowa has more than tripled from 7.4 million gallons in 2010 to 23.3 million gallons in 2012. The report also shows that biodiesel’s market penetration has also made great strides, with biodiesel now blended in 42.6 percent of all …