Florida to Hold FFV Rally

The campaign will help locate, educate, and motivate FFV owners to use higher blends of ethanol so the U.S. can meet the goals of the national renewable fuel standard (RFS) and pave the way for 2nd generation biofuels in Florida. Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) is sponsoring the upcoming series of IndyCar Race related events which is the next phase …

E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Flex Fuel Vehicles, News

Growth Energy Launches Driving Ethanol Website

Cindy Zimmerman

Growth Energy has launched a new, re-designed version of the former Ethanol Promotion and Information Council website, DrivingEthanol.org. “DrivingEthanol.org is a one-stop shop to learn more about the remarkable benefits of high-tech, homegrown ethanol,” said Tom Buis, Growth Energy CEO. “We hope consumers and retailers alike will visit DrivingEthanol.org to learn more about the promise of ethanol.” The online resource …

Ethanol, Flex Fuel Vehicles, Growth Energy

Green Fuels from Grass and Leaves

Cindy Zimmerman

A newly proposed collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and the City of Naperville, Illinois would convert “landscape waste”—essentially, grass and leaf trimmings—into one of several different environmentally friendly fuels, including ethanol, bioelectricity and hydrogen. This new partnership, known as the “Green Fuels Depot,” provides “a golden opportunity for Argonne to be associated with one of …

Cellulosic, Energy, Ethanol News, Flex Fuel Vehicles, Research

BYOethanol: Press Conference

Joanna Schroeder

Unless you haven’t been reading our coverage of the 22nd Ethanol Conference & Trade Show hosted by the American Coalition for Ethanol, you’ve heard by now the news regarding the new blender pump program called BYOethanol. Pronounced “bio,” Blend Your Own Ethanol is a joint campaign between ACE, RFA and NCGA to bring 5,000 blender pumps online throughout the United …

ACE, corn, Ethanol News, Flex Fuel Vehicles, NCGA, RFA, Video

ACE & RFA Launch National Mid-Level Blend Campaign

Joanna Schroeder

The 22nd Ethanol Conference & Trade Show in Milwaukee kicked off with an announcement of the largest ever consolidated effort to install 5,000 mid-level blend, or blender pumps, throughout the country: BYOethanol. I know many of you are envisioning bringing your own ethanol to the upcoming college football tailgate party, but it really means, Blend Your Own Ethanol. The partnership …

ACE, corn, Ethanol News, Flex Fuel Vehicles, NCGA, RFA

BYO Ethanol Initiative Launched

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn growers and the ethanol industry are uniting to provide consumers with more choices at the pump, gas station owners with more product flexibility, and the nation with the ability to achieve its renewable fuels targets with a new campaign to increase the number of ethanol blender pumps nationwide. The campaign is a partnership between leading corn-producing states, the American …

ACE, corn, Ethanol News, Flex Fuel Vehicles, NCGA, RFA

FFV Campain Announced at Farm-to-Fuel Summit

The Clean Fuels Foundation and the FlexFuel Vehicle Club of America are the project organizers in cooperation with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The lead sponsor for the pilot project is the Renewable Fuels Association. Other project supporters include General Motors, Verenium, Protec Fuel Management, Urbieta Oil, Florida Biofuels Association, and the USDA Office of Energy Policy …

Car Makers, E85, Flex Fuel Vehicles, News