NEC Announces Student Scholarship Program

Joanna Schroeder

The Renewable Fuels Association is giving six college students the chance to attend the 2011 National Ethanol Conference: Building Bridges to a More Sustainable Future, for free. The ethanol conference (NEC) will be held in Phoenix, Arizona February 20-22, 2011 and is one of the longest running ethanol conferences in the country. The NEC is known for delivering accurate, timely …

conferences, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Renewable Energy Market Conference Close at Hand

Joanna Schroeder

In it’s 15 year, the Renewable Energy Market Conference is set to kick off in Portland, Oregon on October 19, 2010. But it’s not too late to register and join hundreds of marketers, policymakers, purchasers, utility representatives, and more in learning about where the renewable energy market is heading. Speakers will also discuss ideas and strategies to improve your business, …

conferences, Electricity, Solar, Utilities, Wind

Electric Cars More Impactful Than RES

Joanna Schroeder

Which is better for our country in terms of oil dependence? Enacting a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) or moving forward with developing and deploying electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure? According to a new report released by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, electric cars hold greater promise for reducing emissions and lowering U.S. oil imports than a national …

conferences, Electric Vehicles, Electricity, Natural Gas, Research

POET to Keynote at Wisconsin Bioenergy Summit

Joanna Schroeder

Next month, Wisconsin will host a summit to focus on the state’s future in bioenergy. The Wisconsin Bioenergy Summit, hosted by the Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative (WBI), will be held on October 14, 2010. This year’s event will focus on fueling Wisconsin’s future and will feature presentations from multidisciplinary university experts, state policymakers and innovators from the private sector. One of …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Cellulosic, conferences, Ethanol

EPAC Hosting Free Ag Biofuels Summit

Joanna Schroeder

The Ethanol Producers and Consumers (EPAC) is hosting an Agricultural Biofuel Summit on October 19 & 20, 2010 at the MSU Northern Bio Energy Center. The focus of the Summit will be wheat and barley ethanol production using small grains. Discussions will also focus on barely research and development, the Appomattox Barley to Ethanol plant model, biofuels and biodiesel in …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, conferences, Ethanol

Opportunites for Biorefineries Symposium Just Around the Corner

Joanna Schroeder

The Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research (CABER), part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois, is hosting a symposium on Near-term Opportunities for Biorefineries on October 11-12, 2010. Among the topics discussed will be the impact of technology improvements and utilization of value-added co-products of corn ethanol production. Attendees will also learn about …

biobutanol, conferences, corn, Ethanol

Algae Biofuels Focus of Session at Delaware Conference

John Davis

Just got a quick note from my friend Tamra Fakhoorian with the National Algae Association letting me know that she will be one of the speakers at the 2010 Energy & Sustainability Conference Sept. 23-25 at the Trabant Center in Newark, Delaware. Tamra will be presenting on Thursday afternoon during the Carbon Abatement session of the conference with a talk …

algae, biofuels, conferences

PERC Partners for Clean Air

Joanna Schroeder

The Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) is partnering for cleaner air. The organization will be sponsoring EPA’s upcoming Clean Diesel 10 conference on October 19 and 20th being held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in D.C. As part of its promotional efforts during the event, PERC will be helping to celebrate the success of the National Clean …

conferences, Propane