Tax Extenders Also Help Ethanol and Advanced Biofuels

Cindy Zimmerman

The deal reached by congressional leaders Tuesday for renewing and extending important renewable fuel tax provisions helps the ethanol industry as well as biodiesel producers. Specifically, the amendment would retroactively reinstate the second-generation biofuel producer credit, the special allowance for second-generation biofuel plant property and the alternative fuel refueling property credit for 2018 and 2019 and extend them through 2020. …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

NBB Encouraged by Biodiesel Tax Incentive Action

Cindy Zimmerman

Members of the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) are encouraged by the introduction in Congress of a multiyear extension of the biodiesel tax incentive. If passed, the credit would be available to biodiesel blenders through 2022 to help to expand markets and support expansion of biodiesel and renewable diesel production. NBB Vice President of Federal Affairs Kurt Kovarik says the announced …

Biodiesel, NBB

Trade Groups Push Congress on Biodiesel Tax Extension

Cindy Zimmerman

Executives from nearly a dozen national trade associations sent a letter to Congressional leaders last week highlighting the urgent need for Congress to extend the expired biodiesel tax incentive before the end of the year. The groups included the National Biodiesel Board, American Soybean Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union, Advanced Biofuels Association, among others. The association executives …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, biofuels, NBB

Iowa Governor Moves State Vehicles to B20

Cindy Zimmerman

During an appearance at the Iowa Farm Bureau annual meeting in Des Moines Tuesday, Governor Kim Reynolds signed an executive order requiring that all new state vehicles with diesel engines must be approved to run on B20 biodiesel (a blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum-based diesel) or more “Biodiesel is a growing and vital industry in Iowa, and I …

Biodiesel, Iowa RFA

NBB Asks EPA To Properly Account for SREs

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) comments on EPA’s supplemental proposal for 2020 renewable volume obligations urge the agency “to properly account for small refinery exemptions, address the remand of the 2016 standards, and increase the 2021 biomass-based diesel volume.” NBB is encouraging EPA to use a three-year average of the gallons EPA actually exempted. “Unfortunately, the proposal uses an average …

Biodiesel, EPA, NBB

National Biodiesel Board Elects New Leaders

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board held its annual fall meeting this week in Washington D.C. to focus on policy initiatives and moving the industry forward. During the meeting, the membership elected representatives to serve on the Governing Board to help the development and success of biodiesel. NBB members voted to fill seven board member spots for two-year terms: Kent Engelbrecht, Archer …

Audio, Biodiesel, NBB, Soybeans

Proposal Would Extend Biodiesel Tax Incentive

Cindy Zimmerman

The Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now (GREEN) Act was introduced this week by Democrats on the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures led by Chairman Mike Thompson (CA-05). The draft legislation is called “a comprehensive approach to tackling climate change by using the tax code to extend and expand renewable energy use and reduce greenhouse gas …

Biodiesel, NBB

Rough Times for Biodiesel Industry

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s been a tough year for the biodiesel industry with ten biodiesel plants that have closed or cut back production, impacting jobs across the country, and ultimately the agricultural producers. “It’s just one more hit to soybean farmers too, right now,” said National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Director of Communications Kaleb Little during an interview at the National Association of Farm …

Audio, Biodiesel, NAFB

Report Shows Importance of Biodiesel Tax Credit

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) today released a new report on the “Importance of the Biodiesel Tax Credit” that highlights how uncertainty regarding extension of the biodiesel tax credit significantly increases business risks for biodiesel producers. The report was written by John Urbanchuk, managing partner of ABF Economics. “The current uncertainty surrounding reinstatement and retroactivity of the tax credit is …

Audio, Biodiesel, NBB

Democrat Reps Urge Extension of Biofuels Tax Incentive

Cindy Zimmerman

Rep. Abby Finkenauer (D-IA) and Rep. Kendra Horn (D-OK) spearheaded a Democratic caucus letter to House leadership this week urging action on extension of the biodiesel tax credit. Specifically, the lawmakers are asking for extensions of the biodiesel, alternative fuel vehicle refueling property, and second generation biofuel producer tax credits. “The biodiesel tax credit has become vital to Iowa’s economy …

Biodiesel, NBB