Biofuels Expected to Dominate Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

It was already a given that energy issues would dominate the writing of the 2007 Farm Bill, but even more support for domestic fuels like ethanol and biodiesel is expected now that the House and Senate Agriculture committees will be run by corn belt Democrats. Forbes reports that with Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News

25 x ’25 Could Help Rural Economy

Cindy Zimmerman

The alliance known as 25X’25 has just completed a study that outlines the positive impact producing 25 percent of the nation’s energy supply from renewable sources by 2025 could have on rural America. According to J. Read Smith, co-chair of the 25x’25 Project Steering Committee, “Not only would reaching the goal drastically reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources, it …

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, News, Research

Mid-Am Dream Becomes Reality

Cindy Zimmerman

Exactly one year from the day they broke ground, Mid-America Biofuels held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of their 30 million gallon a year plant in Mexico, Missouri. Lots of good friends, like Senator Kit Bond pictured, were there to congratulate the nearly 400 agricultural producers who purchased shares in Biofuels, LLC and then formed a joint venture …


Media Security

Cindy Zimmerman

Security has been really tight here for the Renewable Energy Conference, especially for speakers and media. They won’t let anyone through this restricted area unless they have a media badge and only staff are permitted to escort any other attendees to the media room for interviews. There were about 100 media registered for the conference itself, and several more local …

Energy, Government

American Agriculture on the Move

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Agriculture Movement is organizing a “Drive for American Bio-Energy for Jobs, Family Farms, and National Security.” According to the AAM, a “small group of patriotic family farm advocates, business people, and concerned citizens” will travel east from Kansas City to Washington, D.C. in antique tractors and cars “in an effort to raise public awareness about the contribution agriculture …

Agribusiness, Energy

Shifting Power

Cindy Zimmerman

HTH PowerSHIFT Group Holdings, Inc. is the new name of HTH Wind Energy, a privately held company previously dedicated solely to the production and operation of small and large-scale wind projects. The company changed its name and created a new logo and website to more accurately reflect its involvement in a variety of renewable energy businesses. HTH PowerSHIFT is a …


Congress May Cut RFS Funding

Cindy Zimmerman

According to an AP article, House and Senate spending bills would drastically reduce Environmental Protection Agency dollars for a law designed to boost ethanol use. The article reports that of the $11.4 million requested by President Bush to implement the Renewable Fuels Standard in last year’s energy bill, the House has approved only $2.4 million and the Senate only $1.4 …


Getting to Know 25x’25

Cindy Zimmerman

The alliance known as 25X’25 is gaining more visibility with its goal to have 25 percent of the nation’s energy supply come from renewable resources by the year 2025. Major organizations, congressional leaders and companies are backing the coalition and the momentum is growing. At the Ag Media Summit in Portland this week, Chuck sat down with Mike Bowman, one …

Audio, Energy