Democratic president candidate Joe Biden released a statement this week attacking President Donald Trump over his record on renewable fuels. “Instead of standing with those who till our land and sow our fields, we have a president who has sold out our farmers by undercutting the Renewable Fuel Standard with the granting of waivers to Big Oil,” said Biden in …
Biodiesel Ads Urge President to Reject “Gap” SRE Petitions
The National Biodiesel Board has launched a radio advertising campaign in six Midwestern states, urging President Donald Trump to keep his promise on the Renewable Fuel Standard. The ads will run for two weeks in Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. The 30-second ads say, “EPA is threatening to grant more big oil handouts this year that reduce biodiesel …
EPA Small Refinery Waiver Requests Nearing 100
The Environmental Protection Agency now has 98 requests for RFS Small Refinery Exemptions parked in its online dashboard for consideration. The agency has received another nine new small refinery exemption requests for previous years, along with three new current waiver petitions for 2019-2020. The prior year petitions include one each for 2011 and 2012, two each for the years 2013 …
RFA Welcomes President Trump to Ethanol Country
When President Trump visited Mankato, Minnesota yesterday he was welcomed by a full-page ad in the Mankato Free Press along with a banner on the front page of the local newspaper with the message “Mr. President, welcome to ethanol country. We need your support.” The front-page banner and full-page ad were sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association to remind the …
Ethanol Report 8-14-20
In this episode of The Ethanol Report, we cover a number of different topics on the ethanol front. First, we head to South Dakota for the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, where the Renewable Fuels Association once again provided free fuel and ethanol education for bikers, with the new addition of ethanol-based hand sanitizer as a giveaway. RFA’s Robert White, former …
Ethanol Celebrates 15th Anniversary of the RFS
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) commemorated the 15th anniversary of President George W. Bush’s signing of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which created the Renewable Fuel Standard, by releasing a new report detailing how the policy has driven innovation in the ethanol industry to benefit the nation. President Bush signed the act August 8, 2005. “As you’ll see in …
Members of Congress Defend RFS
A bipartisan list of Congressional representatives sent a letter to President Trump today in support of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). “We urge you to stand with our farmers and rural economies during this challenging time and deny any request for blanket statewide or nationwide waivers from the 2020 RFS blending requirements under the Clean Air Act,” the letter from …
RFA Decries “Gap Year” Refinery Waiver Requests
The Renewable Fuels Association is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to deny the latest attempt by the petroleum industry to circumvent the 10th Circuit Court decision which severely limits small refinery exemptions under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by seeking past-year waivers from renewable volume obligations. In a letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper …
Ethanol Groups Criticize Oil States’ RFS Waiver Request
As ethanol production continues to be decimated by the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions and supplies keep growing, oil state governors are asking EPA to waive renewable volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard, an action that industry leaders say is both wrong and illegitimate. “Apparently toilet paper isn’t the only thing in short supply in oil states these days—clearly, …
Ethanol Case Groups Disappointed in Appeal Extension
The four organizations involved in the case against the Environmental Protection Agency over granting of small refinery exemptions under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) are disappointed the Trump Administration has been granted more time to consider an appeal of the court decision siding with the plaintiffs. The petitioners in the case—the Renewable Fuels Association, National Corn Growers Association, American Coalition …