Ethanol organizations provided comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture this week on the Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry (CSAF) program. According to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), USDA should “prioritize projects that will help farmers and downstream processors -like ethanol biorefineries – measure, verify, and monetize carbon sequestration and emissions reductions that result from new technologies and more efficient practices.” …
Ethanol Report on RFA Message to COP26
The 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference, better known as COP26, is now underway in Scotland and the Renewable Fuels Association wants to send a message to world leaders that ethanol is already available to help meet climate goals. A new one-page fact sheet spotlights recent research and data proving that ethanol is an immediate solution for cutting greenhouse gas emissions …
Weekly Ethanol Production Increases Again
U.S. ethanol production was up again the week ending October 22 to 1.106 million barrels per day, the second-highest volume on record and just 2,000 barrels below the all-time record. The record is 1.108 million b/d produced the week ending Dec. 1, 2017. According to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), production was 17.5% above the same …
RFA Provides Carbon Reduction Comments to CARB
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) last week stressing that the state’s path toward achieving its carbon reduction targets should be technology-neutral and include a broad array of technologies. RFA also recommended that CARB rely on “more realistic assumptions and feasible scenarios” as it develops its plan to achieve statewide carbon neutrality …
Ethanol Production Hits Near Record High
U.S. ethanol production increased last week to pre-pandemic levels and hit a near-record high, according to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association for the week ending October 15. Ethanol production increased over six percent last week, or 64,000 barrels per day (b/d), to 1.096 million b/d, equivalent to 46.03 million gallons daily. This is the third-highest volume on …
Groups Urge White House to Embrace Biofuels
Ten biofuel and farm advocacy organizations are asking President Biden to “swiftly expand access to lower-carbon, lower-cost biofuels as the administration seeks to address the rising cost of fuel.” In a letter to the White House, rural leaders noted that biofuels hold the power to “insulate consumers from volatile oil markets by extending the fuel supply, much like releasing oil …
Registration Open for 2022 National Ethanol Conference
Registration is now open for the Renewable Fuels Association 27th annual National Ethanol Conference, to be held in New Orleans Feb. 21-23, 2022. RFA Board Chairperson Jeanne McCaherty, CEO of Guardian Energy, says the theme for 2022 is “Zeroing In on New Opportunities” and the bright future of the U.S. low-carbon ethanol industry. “As much as the U.S. ethanol industry …
RFA Submits Comments on Export Competitiveness
The Renewable Fuels Association provided input to the International Trade Administration regarding a U.S. Clean Technologies Export Competitiveness Strategy. These comments were issued in addition to joint comments submitted earlier by RFA, the U.S. Grains Council and others. The RFA comments, written by Vice President for Regulatory Affairs Kelly Davis, noted the importance of sound science and a level playing …
Ethanol Report on 13 Years of Sturgis Promotions
The Renewable Fuels Association began promoting ethanol at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 2009 as a way of reaching motorcycle riders with the facts about ethanol in gasoline. Since that time, the organization’s sponsorship at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip Campground has grown to include a permanent fueling station that sells 10% ethanol fuel (E10) year-round. The 2021 Sturgis Rally showed …
RFA Offers President Solution for Rising Gasoline Prices
According to AAA, the national average price for a gallon of gas was $3.27 on October 11, the highest price since October 2014. It is 10 cents more than a month ago, $1.09 more than a year ago, and 63 cents more than pre-pandemic in 2019. With gas prices forecast to continue rising, there are reports that the White House …