The Renewable Fuels Association has filed a motion to intervene on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency in a suit brought against the agency by the Center for Biological Diversity over the Renewable Fuel Standard. The environmental organization’s suit seeks a court review of EPA’s renewable volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard for compliance years 2020 through 2022, and …
Ethanol Report on YPN Growth
Several ethanol industry veterans have retired lately after serving in the business for some 30-40 years. But right behind the old guard there is a new guard taking shape and the Renewable Fuels Association’s Young Professionals Network is helping them get involved for the future of the industry. In this episode of the Ethanol Report, we hear from Janet Fisher …
Truth About Ethanol and Carbon Emissions
Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper sets the record straight on ethanol and carbon emissions in a commentary on the RFA Blog There’s been a lot of talk—and a lot of confusion—recently about corn ethanol’s carbon footprint. Before being retracted due to “flawed interpretation of data” and “inaccurate estimates of carbon emissions,” a September 8 Reuters article initially …
RFA Elects New Board Leadership at Annual Meeting
The Renewable Fuels Association held its annual membership meeting this week in Milwaukee and elected new board leadership. Erik Huschitt, CEO of Badger State Ethanol, was elected Chairman of the organization, replacing Jeanne McCaherty of Guardian Energy Management. Huschitt, of Monroe, Wisc., has been with Badger State since January 2002 and currently serves as president of the Wisconsin BioFuels Association. …
Ethanol Report on The Set
When Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) that authorized the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), annual volume requirements were specified through the year 2022 for renewable fuels. But that does not mean this year is the end of the RFS. After this year, the law requires EPA to set RFS volumes for 2023 and beyond, in …
DriveClean Initiative Launches
A diverse coalition of organizations has launched DriveClean, a multi-sector initiative to work on bipartisan legislation creating a market-based, technology-neutral national Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) during the 118th Congress that convenes in January. The coalition is made up of organizations representing agriculture, utilities, renewable fuel producers, environmentalists, technology firms, EV charging companies, and truck and bus manufacturers. Among those groups …
RFA CEO Joins White House Climate Law Celebration
Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper attended an event at the White House Tuesday to celebrate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act which includes provisions to benefit the biofuels sector. “There are lots of tax credit and grant provisions in there for renewable fuels and we are most excited about the sustainable aviation fuel tax credit,” said …
RFA Rebuts Reuters Ethanol Plant Emissions Article
The Renewable Fuels Association responded to a Reuters article published Thursday entitled “How U.S. regulators allow ethanol plants to pollute more than oil refineries.” The article states that “ethanol plants produce more than double the climate-damaging pollution, per gallon of fuel production capacity, than the nation’s oil refineries, according to a Reuters analysis of federal data” because the majority of …
Ethanol Report from Farm Progress Show
Ethanol was in the spotlight at the Farm Progress Show in Iowa this week and the Renewable Fuels Association was there to promote the high octane benefits of the fuel and the role of biofuels and farming in combating climate change. RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Director of Government Affairs Jared Mullendore, and Vice President of Industry Relations Robert …
RFA Showcases Ethanol Octane Power at #FPS22
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is showcasing its custom-made E85 vehicles at the Farm Progress Show, a 1200-hp flex-fuel Jeep Wrangler and the new Can-Am X3, both built by Kenny Hauk, owner of Hauk Designs. “These were both built on television programs, reaching the masses,” says Robert White, Vice President of Industry Relations. “There’s a lot of attention on the …