WasteFuel Agriculture was launched this week at World Ag Expo in California to provide sustainable, profitable solutions for producers of agricultural waste. Producers will be able to sell biogenic farm waste to WasteFuel Agriculture which will convert it into low-carbon fuels such as renewable natural gas and green methanol. Compared to conventional fuels, WasteFuel aims for its fuels produced from …

Iowa VERBIO BioRefinery Starts RNG Production
The first U.S. industrial scale renewable natural gas facility using agricultural residues as its feedstock began production Tuesday in Nevada, Iowa. VERBIO AG, the German parent company, purchased the former DuPont Cellulosic ethanol plant in late 2018. With the commissioning of the Nevada plant, VERBIO will produce seven million ethanol gallons equivalent (EGE) of RNG with the completion of Phase …
VERBIO Closes on DuPont Cellulosic Plant
VERBIO North America Corporation (VNA), the U.S. subsidiary of German bioenergy producer VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG, has completed the purchase of DuPont’s Nevada, Iowa-based cellulosic ethanol plant and a portion of its corn stover inventory. VNA president Greg Northrup says the company will now finalize its plans to install facilities to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) made from corn stover …
Minnesota Grows Cleaner Fuel Choices in 2016
Minnesota drivers have more fuel choices then they did a year ago. According to the American Lung Association in Minnesota, 35 new E85 stations opened throughout Minnesota last year, bringing the total number in the state to more than 325, which is more than any other state, and Minnesota flex fuel vehicle drivers used an average of more than a …
The World Series and Energy Production
Yesterday the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Today in Energy had a special baseball themed topic: energy production and the 2o16 Major League Baseball World Series. So let’s take a look at energy production and our two teams the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs. As quoted from Today in Energy: “In the 68 years since the last title for the …
Fed-Ex, Clean Energy Open Okie CNG Station
Fed-Ex along with Clean Energy Fuels Corporation have opened a new compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station in Oklahoma. Armed with cutting edge technology, the CNG station will enable Fed-Ex to fuel more than 100 of its Freight Class 8 trucks with fast fueling technology. During a ribbon cutting ceremony, Clean Energy also announced plans to supply the station with …
UPS Drives 1 Billion Miles with Alternative Fuels
One year earlier than expected, UPS has driven over 1 billion miles using its various alternative fueled fleet. It’s “Rolling Laboratory” included more than 7,200 vehicles ranging from pedal power and electric-assisted bicycles, to electric and hybrid vehicles to natural gas, renewable natural gas, propane and renewable diesel. The “fuel” option is tailored for the geography from dense urban areas …
Gaz Métro Converts Forest Waste to Natural Gas
Gaz Métro has announced that its pilot project – to convert forest waste into second generation renewable natural gas – was successful. The tests were conducted in collaboration with G4 Insights at the Natural Gas Technologies Centre in Boucherville. The demonstration process enabled Gaz Métro to develop a conversion process that they say is unique in the world. The company …
Cali #Biofuel Industry Calls for More Funding
As California continues down the highway of low carbon fuels, the state’s biofuel industry is calling for more funding to ensure the highway doesn’t end in the ocean. The biofuel industry, including the ethanol, biodiesel and biomethane trade associations, is calling on Governor Brown to allocate $210 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to help spur in-state production of …
Report: Clean Energy Techs Cut Road CO2 Emissions
A new report from Lux Research has found that using low-carbon fuels and vehicle efficiency will cut road transport CO2 emissions 29 percent by 2030. Biofuels and natural gas combined will account for 45 percent of petroleum displacement. Today, global road transportation accounts for a sixth of all global CO2 emissions. The sharp cut – exceeding the Intended Nationally Determined …