Clean Fuels Conference 202

Rural Wind Energy Development Act Introduced

John Davis

A bill to help rural areas get more power from the wind has been introduced. Representatives Earl Blumenauer (OR-03) and Tom Cole (OK-04) say their Rural Wind Energy Development Act will provide an investment tax credit to ranchers, farmers, and small businesses to offset the up-front costs of owning a distributed wind turbine. Small wind turbines (generating up to 20 …

Government, Legislation, Wind

House Members Claim Majority Want RFS Changed

Cindy Zimmerman

A coalition of U.S. House of Representatives member opposed to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) claim that a bipartisan majority of members “have expressed concerns regarding the current ethanol mandate.” In a press release, Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Jim Costa (D-Calif.), Steve Womack (R-Ark.), and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) announced that 218 Members of the House agree “there is a serious …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFS

State Incentives, Grants Help Open VA Ethanol Plant

John Davis

Some seed money and a few years of production incentives offered by the state are finally helping open an ethanol plant sitting dormant since its building completion in 2010. This article from Petersburg, Va.’s Progress-Index says the Vireol Bio Energy LLC plant is up and running, and most importantly, selling ethanol. The company will receive subsidies to operate from the …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government

Iowa Gov Signs Biodiesel, Ethanol Measures into Law

John Davis

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has signed into law measures seen as good for ethanol and biodiesel in his state, a move much welcomed in an area that is a major player in the renewable fuel market. Branstad was joined by other state dignitaries, as well as officials from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) and ethanol producer POET, which hosted …

Biodiesel, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Iowa RFA, Legislation, POET

Missouri to Allow E15 at the Gas Pumps

John Davis

Missouri is the latest state to allow retailers to sell a 15 percent blend of ethanol, E15. This article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch says a dozen other states allow, but don’t require, the higher blends. Biofuel trade groups and state corn growing associations say E15 is just another blend of fuel that gas stations can offer price-conscious motorists. Despite …

E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government

Renewable Energy Takes Hit in Farm Bill Funding

John Davis

Funding for some rural renewable energy programs is taking a hit. Ethanol Producer Magazine reports the House Appropriations Committee cut the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) down to just $15 million, down from last year’s levels of $25 million, and Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) for fiscal year 2015 is proposed to be funded at just $30 million, down …

Biodiesel, biomass, Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, Government, Legislation

Ethanol Groups Participate in China Trade Mission

Leah Guffey

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Michael Scuse led a mission to promote U.S. agricultural exports in northeast China May 5-13. The mission is part of President Obama’s “Made in Rural America” export and investment initiative, designed to help rural businesses and leaders take advantage of new investment opportunities and access new customers …

Agribusiness, Audio, biofuels, corn, Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Government, Growth Energy, International, RFA, USDA

Minnesota is First to Mandate B10 Biodiesel

John Davis

The land of 10,000 lakes becomes the first for another 10… a 10 percent biodiesel mandate. The move from a B5 to B10 blending requirement for summer months starting this July 1st was welcomed by the growers of the most popular feedstock, soybeans. “I’m very pleased that common sense is still alive and well and that our legislators voted for …

Biodiesel, Government, Legislation, Soybeans

Biodiesel Producer Certain Uncertainty Will End

John Davis

The manager of a biodiesel refinery from the Nation’s largest biodiesel producer believes the uncertainty in the green fuel’s future will disappear. I caught up with Bryan Christjansen, a general manager for Renewable Energy Group’s Albert Lea, Minn. and Mason City, Iowa plants, shortly after a news conference where several biodiesel producers joined with a group of U.S. senators to …

Audio, Biodiesel, EPA, Government, REG, RFS