The Missouri Farm Bureau held their annual meeting earlier this week and a highlight for many was the discussion on the 2018 Farm Bill. In a packed house, a Focus on the Farm Bill Seminar took place with Capitol Hill decision makers and thought-leaders in Missouri agriculture. Panelists: – Ranking Member House Ag Committee, Congressman Collin Peterson – Missouri Congresswoman …

Trade, Farm Bill & Taxes…Oh My!
Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst represented the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) at last week’s NAFB Trade Talk. As you can guess, trade, 2018 farm bill and tax reform we key issues we discussed. When it comes to NAFTA renegotiations, Hurst said, “U.S. agriculture can see some benefits from this renegotiation. We can see changes to phytosanitary rules. We …
Farm Bureau Offers Ag-Based Energy Info Online
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is offering free, online educational materials on ag-based energy to middle- and high-school educators and volunteers. This news release from the group says the curriculum shows the unique connections between agricultural literacy and alternative energy and align with the Next Generation Science Standards. The middle-school unit introduces students to energy generation, energy input …
Grain Demand for Biofuels Expected to Stagnate
A bumper crop has helped lower feedstock prices for grain-based biofuels, but the industry is still expected to stagnate. Patrick Westhoff, director of the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, told attendees of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 96th Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show that this year’s bumper crop and low prices is good news for those buying the …
Ag Secretary Stresses Biofuels Support at AFBF
Real farmers from around the country had a chance to ask Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack questions during an informal town hall-style meeting at the American Farm Bureau convention this week in San Diego. The last question he took was from a South Dakota farmer who asked about continuation of strong biofuels policy in the United States. Vilsack detailed his continued …
USDA Predicts Another Record Corn Crop
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its initial assessment of the nation’s corn crop for the coming year on Friday, calling for another record based on the March 31 Prospective Plantings report. Corn production is projected at 13.9 billion bushels, up slightly from the 2013/14 record with higher expected yields more than offsetting the year-to-year reduction in planted area. The …
Farm Bureau Lends Support to Keeping RFS
As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers its proposal that would, in effect, slash the amount of ethanol and biodiesel to be blended into the Nation’s fuel supply, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is telling the government to leave the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) alone. During their policy session at the recent AFBF annual meeting in San Antonio, …
New Illinois Farm Bureau Prez: RFS Top Priority
Members of the American Farm Bureau Federation have met in San Antonio, Texas, where they have been talking AFBF policy. And the new Illinois Farm Bureau President Richard Guebert says ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) remains the top priority for farmers in his state and the region. “Midwest farmers have worked so hard and so long to get …
RFS Proposal Could Devastate Rural Economy
Representatives from state government, the agriculture community, and the ethanol industry all say the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) biofuels requirements would have a negative impact on agriculture and rural economies. During a telephone press discussion today about the proposal, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad said he was proud of his state’s leadership in biofuels production and …
Farm Bureau: RFS Bendable, Just Don’t Break It
Farm Bureau officials are making the case that the Renewable Fuels Standard has some flexibility… but just don’t break it. In this story on its newsline, American Farm Bureau energy economist Matt Erickson makes the case that the RFS is working, but Americans are using 10 billion fewer gallons of gasoline this year than in 2007 when the law was …
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