Iowa Corn Fed Game Day Highlights Food and Fuel

Joanna Schroeder

Did you know that Iowa is leading the way in both corn production and ethanol production but corn is not only used for ethanol? It is also an ingredient in more than 4,000 products including toothpaste, pizza, tires, drywall, bubblegum and more. The Iowa Corn Growers realized that many people don’t know this so they have developed a consumer promotion …

Audio, corn, Education, Ethanol, food and fuel, Promotion

Enroll in Alcohol School Today

Joanna Schroeder

The 30th annual Alcohol School is around the corner on September 12-17 in Montreal, QC, Canada. Sponsored by Lallemand Ethanol Technology, this program is designed for both lab and plant management personnel from the biofuels industry as well as those working in beverage alcohol and allied industries who are interested in learning more information about technology and advancements in future …

Education, Ethanol

Kansas City Clean Cities to Hold Ethanol Workshop

The Kansas City Regional Clean Cities will be hosting a workshop titled Exploring Ethanol on Friday, July 9. The workshop will be held at the Johnson County Community College at 12345 College Blvd. in Overland Park, Kansas. The workshop will focus on best Practices on ethanol: distribution, handling and use, vehicles and fleet success stories, incentives and resources will be …

blends, Education, Ethanol, News

Register Now For Process Optimization Seminar

Chuck Zimmerman

It may be a little late in the day for this reminder but you can still go online to register for a spot in the upcoming Process Optimization Seminar being hosted by Phibro Ethanol Performance Group, along with Fremont, Fermentis and Novozymes. The Seminar is targeted to plant managers, operations managers, technical managers, lab managers and general managers. This interactive …

Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Register Now for Energy Communications Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

Another approach and discussion is emerging surrounding messaging and education of global climate change. Green communication specialists will gather in May for a summit to refine the cause that clean energy and sustainable business practices are good policy and good business. The first-ever Green PR summit rEnergize Communications Summit will be held May 23-25 to discuss how corporate brands, products …

conferences, Education, Energy, Environment

ALMS Partners with American Forests

Joanna Schroeder

American Le Mans Series (ALMS) is known globally for its environmental initiatives, and today is taking another green step with its partnership with American Forests to support its “dollar-a-tree” Global ReLeaf program. Nonprofit American Forests, has a goal of planting 100 million trees by 2020. ALMS has pledged to plant at least 5,000 trees during the 2010 race season with the …

American LeMans, Education, Environment

Ethanol in the Classroom

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF) are partnering with teachers and the National FFA Organization to provide tens of thousands of high school students information about the opportunities available to them in the field of renewable fuels. “America’s energy future rests squarely in its high school classrooms today,” said Mike Jerke, chairman of the RFF …

Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA