The Renewable Fuels Association and the National Corn Growers Association have signed on for the fourth year as co-title sponsors of the Crappie Masters Tournament Trail. The first tournament begins Friday, Jan. 31 at St. Johns River in Deland, Fla. This year, the competition is bigger than ever and includes state-level tournament trails in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Florida, …

E85 Flex Fuel Wrangler is Off-Road Ready
The Renewable Fuels Association/Hauk Designs Flex Fuel E85 Jeep Wranger is complete and designer Kenny Hauk is pretty proud of the monster machine that can run on up to 85 percent ethanol. “What I’ve learned is that E85 has incredible performance potential,” said Hauk. “You can have incredible horsepower gains, an engine that runs much cooler than normal and has …
ACE Announces Scholarship Winners
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is proud to announce the three winners of this year’s Scholarship Program. Courtney Geraets, Jennifer Johnson and Megan Wheeland will each receive a $1000 scholarship to help further their collegiate education. Courtney Geraets is from Dell Rapids, South Dakota, and is pursuing a degree in Counseling at Ave Maria University in Ave Maria, Florida. …
Teaching Biofuels in Schools
Growth Energy, in partnership with the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE), has just released a new curriculum aimed at educating high school students about biofuels. The curriculum is the first industry-supported biofuels curriculum that provides students a guided in-classroom experience and will offer ag educators the tools needed to provide students with an array of technical skills and historical …
Text 24365 to Donate to NAMA Foundation
With the NAMA (National Agri-Marketing Association) Foundation serving 33 student chapters, your support has never been more important. Here is a new way to donate. Please text “NAMA” to 24365 to donate to the foundation and support Student NAMA! That will text you back a link to click on and donate via Paypal. Simple. Quick. Try it now.
National Biodiesel Foundation Elects New Directors
The National Biodiesel Foundation elected three new directors to the Board last week during the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. Danielle Brannan, New Leaf Biofuels; Mike Devine, World Energy; and Chris Hill, American Soybean Association joined the board of the foundation which supports biodiesel research and education. They join others on the board: Jeff Lynn, NBF President, Illinois Soybean Association …
National Biodiesel Foundation Update
The mission of the National Biodiesel Foundation (NBF) is outreach, education, research and demonstration activities for the advancement of biodiesel. “We do things the National Biodiesel Board can’t do,” says Biodiesel Foundation president Jeff Lynn of Illinois. That includes such activities as Congressional tours to educate legislators about where biodiesel comes from and how it is made, as well as …
National Biodiesel Foundation Elects New Board of Directors
National Biodiesel Foundation directors recently voted to elect Dave Walton, representing the Iowa Soybean Association, to the Board. The Board also elected officers with Jeff Lynn returning as president, Mark Caspers returning as Vice President, and Lindsay Fitzgerald returning as Treasurer and Secretary. In addition, the Board approved funding to continue several educational projects, including the New York Congressional Tour …
2nd RFA ‘Ethanol Days of Summer’ Contest a Success
Labor Day signaled both the unofficial end of summer and the official conclusion of the Renewable Fuels Association’s second annual “Ethanol Days of Summer” contest. More than 3,600 new users of registered and helped report prices for higher ethanol blends and conventional fuels during the three-month contest, which offered consumers the chance to win $50 in free fuel per …
Upcoming Ethanol Plant Educational Opportunities
Enrollment is now open for the 2018 Alcohol School, September 9-17 in Montreal. Now in its 37th year, The Alcohol School has a tradition of educating fuel ethanol and distilled beverage producers in the science of alcohol production. This week-long program has become the industry’s premier educational event, covering a variety of timely industry topics. The Process Safety Boot Camp …