During the opening session on the second day of the Renewable Fuels Association’s (RFA) 18th annual National Ethanol Conference, Scott Zaremba, President of Zarco 66 Inc. and Zarco 66 American Fuels, received the “Industry Award” in recognition of his vision and commitment to expanding fuel choices for his customers in Kansas. In July of 2012, Scott Zaremba became the first …

Muscatine Students Win Fuel the Future Contest
LOVE IT! The winners of the 3rd Annual High School Renewable Fuels Video Contest hail from Muscatine, Iowa and wow are they clever. Alli Burns, Ana Arzate and Sariah Garrido of Muscatine took the top price in the “Fuel the Future” video contest for high school students that was sponsored by Faegre Baker Daniels, LLP. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association …
Ethanol Industry Responds to API E15 Study
The American Petroleum Institute (API), released a new E15 study today and representatives of all the major ethanol industry associations issued statements. In addition, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) held a media conference to discuss why the study oil-funded study was “flawed” and “misleading”. Ethanol experts Kristy Moore, Vice President for Technical Services for RFA, along with Bob Reynolds, President …
Get a Biodiesel Update During IRFA Summit
Those attending the 7th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit will have the opportunity to learn about biodiesel along with a host of other information about biofuels. The FREE event takes place on January 30, 2013 at The Meadows Conference Center in Altoona, Iowa. The “More B For Me” biodiesel panel will include Terry Murray, a livestock and crop farmer from …
E15 Hot Topic at Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit
Giving consumers more choice at the pump with an E15 ethanol fuel blend will be a feature presentation during the 7th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit and Trade Show being held in Altoona, Iowa on January 30, 2013. “E15 and Beyond – The Future of Consumer Fuel Choice” panel will include Scott Zaremba, President of Zarco 66, the nation’s first …
Future Trends for Ag, Fuel
One of the key topics for discussion during the free, 7th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit and Trade Show being held in Altoona, Iowa on January 30, 2013 is future trends for U.S. agriculture and fuels. The “Market Outlook for 2013 and Beyond” panel will include Robert Gough, Director of Renewable Fuels for the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS), who …
AAA Holds Fast to E15 Position
The American Automobile Association (AAA) has taken a position against the use of E15 for all motorists despite the fact that E15 is the most tested fuel in American history. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of E15 for cars and light duty trucks manufactured in 2001 or later. In addition, the EPA has put safeguards in place …
Second E15 Station Opens in Iowa
The Fredericksburg Coop in Fredericksburg, Iowa is now offering E15. The station is the second in Iowa to offer consumers E15. Fredericksburg Coop is located in Northeast Iowa on Highway 18 West. “I believe retailers see great value in offering a less expensive, cleaner, more American-made fuel option like E15 to their consumers,” said Fredericksburg Coop Petroleum Manager Steve Neuendorf. …
E15 Could Save Iowa Drivers $69M
Based on gasoline sales data released today by the Iowa Department of Revenue, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) said that Iowa motorists could have saved $69 million in 2012 if E15 would have been widely available in Iowa. E15, a blend of 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline, is approved for use for vehicles manufactured after 2001 or …
Driving Forward Speakers Announced
Speakers for the National Ethanol Conference (NEC): Driving Forward being held Feburary 5-7, 2013 in Las Vegas have been announced. The conference will kick off with the Chairman of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Neill McKinstray, who is the president, Ethanol Group, The Andersons. The line-up will then feature the much anticipated State of the Industry Address from RFA President …