Intellulose is New Name for Edeniq Pathway Technology

Cindy Zimmerman

Intellulose is the new name for Edeniq’s Pathway technology in a rebranding effort that includes a new logo and company-related materials. “Our mission is to help our customers lead in cellulosic ethanol production,” said Brian Thome, president and chief executive officer of Edeniq. “Our vision is for Intellulose to be implemented into every existing ethanol production facility, and for this …

advanced biofuels, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, technology

Groups Urge EPA to Move on Pathway Approvals

Cindy Zimmerman

As the Environmental Protection Agency has been approving small refinery exemption requests at a record pace, dozens of ethanol plants have been waiting for months to receive approvals for new pathways to produce cellulosic ethanol, including from corn kernel fiber. Five state biofuels organizations sent a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt this week asking him to “shift administrative time …

Cellulosic, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Advanced Biofuels Interest in Post Tax Bill Hearing

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) and more than 50 member organizations are urging Congressional leaders to extend the biodiesel tax credit as soon as possible for at least 2018. In a letter to House and Senate leadership sent in advance of a hearing Wednesday morning, the biodiesel stakeholders said, “We believe that if the tax credit is extended through at …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

ICM and The Andersons Collaborate on New Bio-refinery

Cindy Zimmerman

ICM, Inc., and The Andersons, Inc., are partnering to own and construct a state-of-the-art bio-refinery in Colwich, Kansas. ELEMENT, LLC will be a 70 MGY bio-refinery combining ICM’s next-generation technologies, with the merchandising, risk management and logistics expertise of The Andersons. “The Andersons and ICM share a common vision. We strive to utilize our combined experience and expertise to build …

advanced biofuels, Audio, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News

ACE Urges Extension of Biofuels Tax Credits

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is urging the Conference Committee to include an extension of the Cellulosic Biofuel Tax Credit and Biodiesel Tax Credit as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. “Extension of these provisions is critically important and consistent with the stated purposes of the tax bill of ‘growing our economy, bringing jobs back to our …

ACE, advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, Cellulosic, Ethanol

Nebraska Plant Using Edeniq Cellulosic Technology

Cindy Zimmerman

A Nebraska ethanol plant has been approved to produce cellulosic ethanol using Edeniq’s Pathway technology. Mid America Agri Products – Wheatland LLC (MAAPW) in Madrid began using the technology this month. “We are thrilled that Mid America Agri Products has joined the growing list of ethanol plants that have received EPA approval to use our company’s technology to produce cellulosic …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Representatives Support Advanced Biofuels

Cindy Zimmerman

Representatives Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ-10), and Ruben Gallego (AZ-07), along with 16 other members of the House, last week wrote a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt supporting increased blending targets for cellulosic biofuels and biodiesel in the final 2018 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs). The members represent largely urban and minority populated districts around the country. “Cellulosic ethanol is …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, biofuels, Cellulosic, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy

DowDuPont Selling Cellulosic Ethanol Plant

Cindy Zimmerman

The “World’s Largest Cellulosic Ethanol Plant” is for sale. Two years ago DuPont celebrated the opening of its 30 million gallons capacity plant in Nevada, Iowa that produced ethanol from corn stover. This week, the company -now merged with Dow- announced it is getting out of the biorefinery business. As part of DowDuPont’s intent to create a leading Specialty Products …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Clariant to Build sunliquid® Cellulosic Ethanol Plant in Romania

Cindy Zimmerman

Swiss company Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, has chosen Romania as the site for a new full-scale commercial cellulosic ethanol plant using its sunliquid® technology. The flagship facility will use wheat straw and other cereal straw sourced from local farmers. “After five years of operating our pre-commercial sunliquid® plant in Straubing, Germany, and thorough process demonstration we are …

Cellulosic, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International, technology

Clariant Announces 1st License for Cellulosic Ethanol Technology

Cindy Zimmerman

Clariant has signed its first license agreement for sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol technology with Enviral, the largest producer of bioethanol in Slovakia. Enviral has acquired a license to use Clariant’s sunliquid technology as part of its goal to realize a full scale commercial cellulosic ethanol plant for the commercial production of cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues. This new plant will be …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, technology