Study Shows Ethanol’s Positive Economic Impact

John Davis

A new study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln shows Nebraska’s ethanol production capacity growth over the last 20 years is tenfold. This news release from the Nebraska Ethanol Board says the “Economic Impacts of the Ethanol Industry in Nebraska” also reveals ethanol in the state is producing 2,077 million gallons per year with 1,301 full-time employees at 24 facilities, and …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Research, University

Iowa Gov Branstad to Address BIO World Congress

John Davis

Longtime advocate for biobased fuels Iowa Governor Terry Branstad will speak at this summer’s Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) World Congress in Montreal, Canada. This news release from BIO says Branstad is slated to speak during the July 20 plenary session titled, “State and Regional Approaches to Developing the Biobased Economy.” “Governor Terry Branstad is a true champion of our industry …

Ag group, BIO, biofuels, Biotech

Farm Bureau Offers Ag-Based Energy Info Online

John Davis

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is offering free, online educational materials on ag-based energy to middle- and high-school educators and volunteers. This news release from the group says the curriculum shows the unique connections between agricultural literacy and alternative energy and align with the Next Generation Science Standards. The middle-school unit introduces students to energy generation, energy input …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Farm Bureau

Farmers Union Concerned Over RFS Omission

John Davis

The National Farmers Union (NFU) is concerned that Pres. Obama has left the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) out of his plan to cut greenhouse gases. This news release from the group says NFU President Roger Johnson isn’t pleased about the omission in the president’s formal submission of a plan to the United Nations that would cut the United States’ greenhouse …

Ag group, biofuels, Government, NFU, RFS

Biofuel Advocates Invite Candidates to Learn RFS

John Davis

It won’t be long until presidential candidates invade Iowa once again (and some already have). So, Iowa-based America’s Renewable Future (ARF) has publically invited Sen. Ted Cruz and all potential 2016 presidential candidates to tour Iowa renewable fuel facilities across the state to learn more about the success of the industry. “The goal of our organization is to educate candidates …

Ag group, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, politics, RFS

USDA Secretary Returns to Commodity Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will visit the Commodity Classic next week for the sixth year in a row to address the annual convention and trade show for corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers. The secretary will deliver a keynote address to several thousand farmers and ag allies during the event’s General Session on Friday, Feb. 27, in Phoenix, …

Ag group, corn, USDA

American Coalition for Ethanol Elects New Officers

John Davis

The American Coalition for Ethanol has elected its board officers for 2015: * President – Ron Alverson, representing Dakota Ethanol, LLC * Vice President – Duane Kristensen, representing Chief Ethanol Fuels Inc. * Secretary – Dave Sovereign, representing Golden Grain Energy, LLC * Treasurer – Owen Jones, representing Full Circle Ag Cooperative Alverson is a corn and soybean farmer and …

ACE, Ag group, Agribusiness, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Illinois Soybean Growers Launch 20% Biodiesel Club

John Davis

Soybean growers in Illinois are recognizing fleets in the state that run on a 20 percent blend of biodiesel, B20. This news release from the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) says the group has partnered with the American Lung Association in Illinois to launch the B20 Club. “B20 offers economic and environmental benefits to the fleets that use it, so we …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Soybeans

Corn and Ethanol Groups Blast Report

John Davis

A report critical of corn-based ethanol is being blasted by groups representing the corn and ethanol industries as being the same old arguments that have been roundly rejected and criticized by the scientific community and disproven by the empirical data, as well as smacking of Big Oil’s efforts to discredit an American success story. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), …

Ag group, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NCGA, RFA

Inspiring Words from Inspiring Biodiesel Advocate

John Davis

There are many in the biodiesel industry who serve as inspirations, but maybe none as much as Greg Anderson with the Nebraska Soybean Board. The soybean farmer has been a long-time biodiesel advocate and has shown his full-time devotion to his fellow soybean farmers and the biodiesel industry in so many ways. Even after suffering a near-fatal accident involving a …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Audio, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference, National Biodiesel Conference, NBB