Ag and Biofuel Groups Ask Congress for COVID-19 Relief

Cindy Zimmerman

America’s top biofuel and farm advocates are calling on Congress to ensure the next round of COVID-19 relief includes U.S. ethanol and biodiesel production. A joint letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was signed by the Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, the National Biodiesel Board, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Corn Growers …

AFBF, ASA, Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NBB, NCGA, RFA

Analysis Shows U.S. Agriculture Reducing Emissions

Cindy Zimmerman

American agriculture is more environmentally sustainably than ever. A new analysis of updated data from both USDA and EPA shows U.S. farmers and ranchers continue to reduce per-unit greenhouse gas emissions. All told, the U.S. agricultural sector accounts for less than 10% of total U.S. emissions. That’s less than the emissions from the transportation, electricity generation and industrial sectors. Globally, …

AFBF, Ag group, corn, Environment, Farming, Sustainability

President Trump Says Help for Farmers Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

During the daily White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Thursday, President Donald Trump said help for hurting farmers is coming soon. “We have money going out to our farmers in the pretty near future,” said President Trump. “The farmers got hurt very badly by all of this. People are eating less from the standpoint that there’s no restaurants that …

AFBF, Audio, corn, Ethanol, Government

Farm Bureau Details COVID-19 Impact on Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural commodity prices are taking big hits from the COVID-19 emergency, and one of the most hard hit sectors is ethanol, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). In the past month, dairy prices have dropped 26-36%, corn futures have dropped by 14%, soybean futures are down 8% and cotton futures have plummeted 31%. Hog futures are down by …

AFBF, Ag group, Audio, Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Trump Addresses Farm Bureau For Third Year

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump addressed farmer and rancher members of the American Farm Bureau Federation for the third year in a row Sunday, and promised to be back next year while continuing to fight for what is important to them. “My administration understands that if we want to stand up for America, we must stand up for American farmers,” said President …

AFBF, Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Trade

Farmers for Free Trade Rally for USMCA

Farmers for Free Trade brought its #MotorcadeForTrade to Washington D.C. Thursday to highlight the importance of ag trade with Canada and Mexico and the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that Congress will consider to upgrade NAFTA. Members of Congress and farm leaders discussed how USMCA provides farmers with new market access while maintaining a zero-tariff platform, and stressed the need for Congressional …

AFBF, Ag group, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, Trade

EPA Officially Ditches the #WOTUS Rule

Agricultural organizations are celebrating the official repeal of a rule that they have been fighting since 2015 – Waters of the United States, better known as WOTUS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler and Department of the Army Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works R.D. James announced that the agencies are repealing the rule and “recodifying the …

AFBF, Ag group, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, EPA

National Ag Day Honors Youth

The Agriculture Council of America (ACA) honored the winners of the 2019 National Ag Day video and written essay contest during the celebration in Washington DC this week, and also featured a youth panel discussion moderated by USDA Deputy Secretary Stephen Censky. The theme for the video and essay contest this year was Agriculture: Food for Life. How does our …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision

President Includes Ethanol in Farm Bureau Speech

Cindy Zimmerman

It took a while to get there, but President Donald Trump did mention ethanol in his speech to the American Farm Bureau Federation 100th Annual Convention Monday. “We’re ensuring that ethanol remains a vital part of America’s energy future with E15 and we’re making it available year round, all 12 months, that’s a big difference for the farmers,” said Trump. …

AFBF, Audio, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News

President Trump Addresses 100th AFBF Convention

For the second year in a row, President Donald J. Trump addressed the members of the American Farm Bureau Federation at its 100th annual convention Monday in New Orleans. Despite being nearly an hour late, the president was greeted by thousands of farmers and ranchers who had been in place waiting to see him since early in the morning, and …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio