Clean Fuels Conference 202

Advanced #Biofuels Industry Supports Increased RVOs

Joanna Schroeder

The advanced biofuels industry has come out in support of the EPA’s increased Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) as part of the 2017 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The Cellulosic Biofuel category will increase from 230 million gallons in 2016 to 311 million gallons in 2017. Renewable fuels in this category must reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by at least 60 percent …

advanced biofuels, BIO, Cellulosic, RFS

#Biodiesel Industry Reacts to 2017 RVOs

Joanna Schroeder

Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued the final 2017 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) with increased volumes for all categories as part of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The real winners of this news are the consumers, said the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) in a statement.  Under the new RFS rule, Biomass-Based Diesel standards, of which includes biodiesel, …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, NBB, REG, RFS

#Ethanol Industry Reacts to Increased RVO’s

Joanna Schroeder

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its the final Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) for the 2017 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The rule has increased the conventional biofuels category that includes corn ethanol, to 15 billion gallons per year, up from 14.8 billion proposed back in May. With the news, the biofuels industry has come out to applaud the …

ACE, biofuels, Ethanol, Growth Energy, Iowa RFA, NCGA, RFS

RFA Thanks EPA for #Ethanol Commitment

Joanna Schroeder

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is thanking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its commitment to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by increasing renewable volumes across the board for 2017. This includes raising the conventional biofuel category back to where the statute intended – 15 billion gallons per year from 14.8 billion gallons as proposed in May of 2016. …

Audio, biofuels, E15, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS

Introducing New Propane Autogas Filters

Joanna Schroeder

A new filter is now available tailed for propane systems. Alliance AutoGas has partnered with Donaldson Company and the new line of LPG filters are designed to remove potentially harmful particulate matter and heavy ends from propane autogas systems. The filters are available through nationwide propane equipment distributors. Donaldson has more than a 100 year history of developing innovative engine …


National Biodiesel Foundation Elects New Directors

Joanna Schroeder

As part of the annual National Biodiesel Board meeting, the National Biodiesel Foundation elected new board directors. In addition, the Foundation acknowledged out-going President of the Board Mike Cunningham who severed in the position for two years. During this time he oversaw the Foundation’s efforts including the expansion of biodiesel sustainability research, and efforts to improve land use change modeling. …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel

PERC Highlights Propane on the Farm at #NAFB16

Joanna Schroeder

There is a lot happening in the world of propane Cinch Munson with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) told Agwired during the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) conference. One area of growth is in the engine markets including irrigation, school buses, delivery vehicles and pick-ups. Munson said they are also seeing good efficiency improvements across a …

Audio, NAFB, PERC, Propane

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

Renewable Energy Group’s (REG) Board of Directors has authorized a review of strategic alternatives for its Life Sciences subsidiary, which is developing renewable chemicals and fuels using a proprietary microbial fermentation process. The strategic review process will be comprehensive and focused on the best path to maximize shareholder value. Over the last three years under REG ownership, the Life Sciences …

Bioenergy Bytes

Growth Energy Confident Trump is for #Ethanol

Joanna Schroeder

Growth Energy sent Co-Chair Tom Buis to the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention to talk about topics important to the industry including the EPA’s Point of Obligation ruling and what Donald Trump as president may mean for the ethanol industry. To answer the election question, Buis noted that going into the Iowa Caucuses there were 21 candidates with …

Audio, Ethanol, Growth Energy, NAFB, politics