Corn Growers Comment on RFS White Paper

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association recently submitted comments on the impact of the Renewable Fuel Standard to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in response to their second white paper, “Agricultural Sector Impacts.” In these comments, NCGA addressed how the RFS affects commodity products including corn, agricultural output and economics, RFS flexibility, food prices, cellulosic feedstock and global impacts. …

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, RFS

Most Readers Not Far From the Farm

Talia Goes

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How many generations are you removed from the farm?” Our poll results: Thirty percent say they are “One Generation, My Parents are Farmers,” 23% are Two, My Grandparents Were Farmers, 22% say None, I’m a Farmer, nine percent are not farmers but work in the ag industry, seven percent have No Direct Farm Connection, …

Farming, ZimmPoll

Wilks’ Biodiesel Analyzer to Meet ASTM Standards

John Davis

Meeting ASTM methods D7371 and EN 14078 for biodiesel standards usually requires FTIR spectrometers, an expensive proposition considering the equipment would be placed on a loading dock. This article in Biodiesel Magazine says Wilks Enterprises has something that could help producers meet those ASTM standards with a fast, easy-to-use and inexpensive infrared method: The InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer is a …


Webinars Focus on Legal Issues For Ethanol Producers

Joanna Schroeder

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) along with Michael Best & Friedrich LLP (Michael Best) are hosting a webinar series focused on pressing legal issues facing ethanol producers. The first webinar focused on compliance issues with federal Health Care Reform in 2013. The 30 minute webinar, says ACE Executive Vice President Brian Jennings, will be a valuable resource for the …

ACE, biofuels, Education, Ethanol

Wisconsin Opens 8 New E15 Pumps

Joanna Schroeder

Wisconsin is the home of eight new E15 pumps. The 15 percent ethanol 85 percent gasoline blend is now offered at SmartStation, 1290 Business Highway 151, Platteville, Wisconsin. The station is a wholly owned subsidiary of Badger State Ethanol. “We are honored to be Wisconsin’s first retailer to offer E15 to our customers who have been asking for it,” said …

biofuels, E15, Ethanol

New Database Tracks Energy Legislation

Joanna Schroeder

Colorado State University’s Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) has launched an Advanced Energy Legislation (AEL) Tracker, a database tracking energy-related state legislation pending in all 50 states. Types of energy include solar, wind, biofuels, natural gas and more. The AEL was created in partnership with Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) and the system will also enable CNEE to conduct …

Alternative energy, energy efficiency, Legislation

New Natural Gas Partnership Announced

Joanna Schroeder

Clean Energy Fuels and Mansfield Energy have created a strategic partnership to offer customers a comprehensive solution in the compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel industry. The partners will offer Clean Energy’s natural gas fueling station construction and operational services. The services will be supported by Mansfield’s large-scale fuel supply capabilities and Gas-2-Gallons fuel management system. “This agreement joins two leaders …

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Natural Gas

Farm Bill Energy Title Introduced in Senate

Cindy Zimmerman

Legislation to reauthorize the Farm Bill energy title was introduced in the Senate Monday. Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Al Franken (D-MN) introduced the Rural Energy Investment Act to “help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities by encouraging the growth of agricultural energy technologies, including advanced biofuels, biogas, biomass, and renewable energies.” “These energy programs are essential for expanding clean energy …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, Government, Legislation