U.S. Policy Outlook Featured at World Congress

Joanna Schroeder

A special pre-conference workshop has been added to the World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology that is taking place May 12-15, 2014 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. “U.S. Policy Outlook: From the RFS to Tax Reform to Farm Bill Implementation – What Lies Ahead for Advanced Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals?” is designed to assess the threats and opportunities on …

advanced biofuels, bioenergy, Biotech, RFS

Strata Solar Completes Nine Solar Projects in NC

Joanna Schroeder

Strata Solar, has installed nine utility-scale solar projects across North Carolina (NC) using more than $100 million of tax-equity financing provided by a subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company. When combined, the projects produce enough electricity to power 5,000 homes and were in part made possible by a 35 percent North Carolina Renewable Energy Tax Credit. The power will be …

Renewable Energy, Solar

Companies Need to Step Up Sustainability Efforts

Joanna Schroeder

According to a recent report, while there are pockets of sustainability leadership in the U.S. business community, much more needs to be done. The Ceres and Sustainalytics study found that most companies are merely taking small, incremental steps to address sustainability issues that could impact not only their bottom line, but also the economy and planet. “Given the acceleration of …

Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment, Renewable Energy, Research

Brazilian Industrial Biotechnology Association Formed

Joanna Schroeder

A group of industrial biotechnology companies have joined forces to form the Brazilian Industrial Biotechnology Association (in Portuguese ABBI – Associação Brasileira de Biotecnologia Industrial). This new association (ABBI) brings together companies and institutions developing and using microorganisms and its derivatives to deliver renewable products for industries and consumers worldwide. ABBI’s primary objective is to foster a dialogue within Brazilian …

advanced biofuels, biochemicals, bioenergy, biomaterials, bioplastics, Biotech

Saudi Oil Money Backing Ethanol Smear Campaign

Joanna Schroeder

Americans United for Change and VoteVets.org held a press call today to reveal IRS documents showing that Saudi Oil money is helping to finance the multi-million dollar anti-renewable fuel smear campaign ads that the American Petroleum Institute (API) is waging against ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard. Also today, the API held a press call to once again call for …

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Oil, RFS, Video

DF Cast: Fuels America Fights Back with “Oil Rigged”

John Davis

Backers of renewable fuels say when it comes to the fight against Big Oil, the fight is rigged… oil rigged. Recently, Fuels America held a pair of news conferences. The first was to announce the launch of its “Oil Rigged” television and digital ad campaign and OilRigged.com, designed to “expose the many ways the oil industry is rigging the system …

Audio, BIO, Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Domestic Fuel Cast, E15, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Fuels America, Growth Energy, Oil, RFA, RFS

10 Reasons to Transition to Sustainable Fuels

Joanna Schroeder

This week is Earth week and Advanced Biofuels USA is asking and answering the question, “Why Transition to Sustainable Renewable Fuels? The organization has published 10 reasons why the country should transition to renewable fuels in a handy handout for use by civic organizations, church stewardship groups, teachers, environmental groups and any and all who are interested in renewable transportation …

advanced biofuels, Climate Change, Environment

RFA: CARB’s ILUC Analysis Out of Date, Out of Step

John Davis

A biofuels advocate is taking exception with one state’s evaluation of indirect land use change associated with the green fuels. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) says the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) draft indirect land use change (ILUC) analysis is not in step with current ILUC science. Geoff Cooper, RFA’s senior vice president, notes in his submission that RFA is …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFA

Biodiesel Board Joins EPA, DOJ Against Big Oil

John Davis

While the basketball national championship might have been decided on the court, it could be the courts that decide the future of advanced biofuels in this country. The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) joined forces with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Justice to fight an attempt to dismantle the Renewable Fuel Standard (NBB). In the current case, Monroe …

Biodiesel, NBB

New Biodiesel Mandate Pleases Canadian Farmers

John Davis

The new biodiesel requirement north of the border is pleasing farmers in that area. The trade group Grain Farmers of Ontario welcomed its province’s new 2 percent biodiesel mandate, expected to be a boon for soybean farmers. “The creation of an Ontario Greener Diesel mandate will reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the transportation sector and will help build a …

Biodiesel, International