Constellation Energy Buys Maryland Wind Project

John Davis

Constellation Energy has finished a deal to buy the 70-megawatt Western Maryland Criterion wind project from Clipper Windpower, Inc. This Constellation press release says the deal includes purchasing 28 Clipper Liberty 2.5-megawatt wind turbines for the project: “Maryland’s clean energy goals are among the most ambitious in the nation and we’re committed to working with the state to achieve them …


Wind Energy Experts Gather in Iowa

John Davis

Iowa is getting to be known as a center for wind energy, including production of the green power and production of the tools needed to generate that power. So, it’s no wonder that the state is the host of a pair of wind energy conferences this week. KCCI-TV in Des Moines says the gatherings hosted by the Iowa Alliance for …


Opposition Mounts Against Cape Wind Project

Joanna Schroeder

Less than two weeks ago, Iowa Governor Chet Culver and Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri released the “Great Expectations” wind energy report as commissioned by the Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition. The two governors met with Obama to share their findings, one of which is strong support for coastal, deep water and offshore wind energy technology, research and investment. The …

Electricity, Energy, News, Opinion, Wind

Siemens to Provide Cape Wind Turbines

John Davis

Siemens will be the supplier of 130, 3.6-Megawatt (MW) turbines for Cape Wind, America’s first planned offshore wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts … if the project is ever built. This Cape Wind press release says Siemens will also open a U.S. Offshore Wind office in Boston: “We are pleased to be working with Siemens which is a market …


Constellation Energy Completes Solar & Wind Project

Joanna Schroeder

While President Obama only gave a cursory comment about the role of solar and wind in our energy future in his remarks this morning, these industries continue to move forward with completion of renewable electricity projects. Today, Constellation Energy announced that its subsidiary, Constellation Energy’s Projects & Services Group, has completed the installation of a 1.2 megawatt solar and wind …

News, Solar, Wind

Ohio Pols Look to Increase Lake Erie Wind Turbines

John Davis

A pair of Ohio politicians is looking to advance offshore wind energy projects in Lake Erie. This press release from Gov. Ted Strickland says the governor was joined by U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown(D-OH) and Cleveland leaders to unveil Brown’s legislation to advance offshore wind turbines in freshwater bodies like Lake Erie and to hear Strickland’s update on state efforts to …


Buckeye Wind Project Given Green Light, But…

John Davis

Fifty wind turbines could soon be turning, cranking out green power in East Central Ohio’s Champaign County … but there are some caveats. This story from Springfield (OH) News-Sun says the Ohio Power Siting Board has given Everpower Wind Holdings Inc. the green light for the Buckeye Wind Project, which will be one of the first utility-scale wind projects in …


Final Hearing on Cape Wind Project Brings Fireworks

John Davis

There was no “on-the-fence” for the proponents and opponents who turned out for what could be the last public hearing on a proposed wind project off the coast of Cape Cod. The Springfield (Mass.) News-Sun reports that the hearing before the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation could be the culmination of a nearly 10-year-old fight over the plan by …


Wind Power Faces New, Tough Opponent in US Military

John Davis

Wind energy has faced some opposition, mostly against people who are afraid their oceanfront views will be obscured by windmills seven miles offshore, but now it has a pretty tough opponent in the U.S. military. This article from says the military is raising concerns about wind farms disrupting military radar arrays: The primary military concern about wind farm development …


Green Energy Benefits from Recession

John Davis

While parts of the renewable energy sector have had some tough times lately … biodiesel with the loss of the federal tax credit, ethanol with the food vs. fuel fight, the economic downturn and the tightening of the credit markets … it seems green energy has actually benefitted from the recession. Well, at least in the area of new ideas. …

Car Makers, Solar, Wind