June 15 is World Wind Day

Joanna Schroeder

Global Wind Day is around the corner on June 15, 2011. Organized by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the groups hope to use the day to educate people about the benefits of wind energy through fun activities. Last year there were 220 events in 29 countries that took place from Austria to …

International, Wind

New Wind Measurement System Available

Joanna Schroeder

Vaisala has released the new WTS Wind Management System that has been specifically engineered for wind resource assessment, power curve measurement and monitoring of wind farms. The system was designed to help wind farm managers better understand and manage the impact of weather on operations. Vaisala wind sensors can be found at the National Weather Service’s Automated Surface Observing System …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Offshore Wind Key Solution for UK

Joanna Schroeder

A new white paper has been released that details the role offshore wind could play for the UK. According to Shadow Energy Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies, along with Chairman of the Environment Agency Lord Smith, without investments along with skilled workers, the industry will not flourish to its full capacity. Today, only 3 percent of energy currently consumed comes from renewables …

Electricity, Energy, Video, Wind

1 MW Solar Farm Completed in North Carolina

Joanna Schroeder

Murphy, North Carolina a small community in Cherokee County, has a new 1 megawatt (MW) solar farm designed, engineered, procured, installed, and managed by ESA Renewables. The solar power system is located on 16 acres in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. In order to optimize the installation and ensure maximum energy generation, 26 feet of dirt was leveled. The …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Book Review – Energy Myths & Realities

Joanna Schroeder

This week I decided to bone up on some energy 101 so I read “Energy Myths & Realities” by Vaclav Smil, an energy scientist. He discusses eight myths and attempts to set the record straight by disseminating the true facts around the issues. He believes several of the myths have been mired in the past while others are perpetuated by …

algae, biofuels, book reviews, Electric Vehicles, Energy, Wind

IPPC Releases Renewable Energy Report

Joanna Schroeder

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a paper on the potential of renewable energy and its impacts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are believed to contribute to global climate change. The report found that close to 80 percent of the world’s energy supply could be met by renewables by mid-century if supported by the right policies. …

biofuels, Geothermal, global warming, Hydro, Solar, Wind

Off Shore Wind Park in Germany Powers Up

Joanna Schroeder

Germany has inaugurated its first offshore wind farm located in the Baltic Sea. Now that the project is operational, it is the country’s second offshore wind farm to go online. To commemorate the achievement, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was onsite to mark the occasion. The 50 megawatt (MW) wind part is expected to generate up to 185 gigawatts hours of …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Book Review – World On The Edge

Joanna Schroeder

I spent Earth Day 30,000 feet up and I must admit that there was a tiny part of me that felt guilty. So to make myself feel better, I read “World On The Edge,” by Lester Brown.  The book focuses on how to prevent environmental and economic collapse and operates on the assumption that it’s not “if” global warming will …

biofuels, book reviews, corn, Electric Vehicles, Environment, Ethanol, Geothermal, global warming, Solar, Wind

33% of California Electricity to Come From Renewables

Joanna Schroeder

California has made yet another move for renewable energy. Last week, Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) signed S.B.2X. This new law requires 33 percent of all electricity generated in the state to come from renewable resources by 2020. Apparently concerns over the growth of renewable sources in the state mobilized last year under Prop 23 was not a deterrent to increase …

Electricity, Energy, Legislation, Solar, Wind

Wind Industry Takes Step to Protect Wildlife

Joanna Schroeder

The wind energy industry has joined forces with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to develop a wind energy habitat conservation plan for the Midwest Region. Harm to animals, especially birds, has been a concern of people opposed to wind energy. Today, the group that includes the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), has signed an agreement to develop a …

Electricity, Energy, Environment, Wind