You may remember Robert Bryce from his book, “Gusher of Lies,” Bryce is back with his new book, “Power Hungry.” I shouldn’t have liked this book – his last one made me angry. I should have stopped reading after the introduction – he made his point of the book very clear. But I read the entire book and believe it …

Salazar Approves 5th Solar Project On Public Lands
The fifth solar project to occur on public lands has been approved by Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar. The Calico Solar Project, located in San Bernardino County, California was proposed by Tessera Solar of Texas, and when completed could produce over 663.5 megawatts of renewable energy or enough to annually power between 200,000 – 500,000 homes. The solar project …
Take A Ride On A Solar Tram
Tourists who visit Pelican Bay, one of Florida’s premier beachfront communities, will now be transported via solar trams. The Pelican Bay Foundation, which owns 43 acres of parks, recreation areas, beachfront facilities and boardwalks, has officially converted their resident transportation trams system to solar/electric vehicles provided by Eco Trans Alliance of Sarasota, Florida. Per year, an annual tram logs 25,000 …
Pennsylvania School Unveils Large Solar Array
A Pennsylvania school district has unveiled a solar array that will generate 1.2 megawatts of power while teaching about the power of clean renewable energy. The Carlisle School District has the 5,192 panel array, designed by Henkels & McCoy, Inc., headquartered in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania with panels from Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group. It’s one of the largest arrays in …
Colorado Cleantech Industry Presents Awards
Today the Colorado Cleantech Industry Association (CCIA) presented eight awards during its inaugural “Colorado Cleantech Awards Celebration.” The event was created to honor leaders who are working to advance cleantech developments. Christine Shapard, CCIA executive director said during the event, “Winners were selected by our Awards Committee from twenty finalists that emerged from a statewide call for nominations. The event, …
US Investigates Chinese Wind, Solar Support
American officials say they are looking into allegations that China is providing unfair support to the country’s wind and solar products makers, as well as the advanced batttery and energy-efficient vehicle industries. This Wall Street Journal article says U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk promises a vigorous pursuit of these allegations through the World Trade Organization: The United Steelworkers union on …
The Golden Arches Go Green
The Golden Arches are going green. A McDonald’s restaurant, that was rebuilt in Riverside, California, became the fourth in the U.S. and the first west of the Mississippi to go green. The building, which is owned and operated by Tom and Candice Spiel, re-opened the new energy efficient, sustainable McDonald’s with a multitude of green features including ‘Green Arches’. “We …
Vanguard Energy Partners Wins Major NJ Solar Project
Somerset County Improvement Authority (SCIA) has awarded Vanguard Energy Partners with the contract to install 7.6 megawatts (MW) of solar power at 31 local and Somerset County, N.J. government locations. Once the project is complete, it will be one of the largest public solar energy projects in the state. “This project will save taxpayers more than $1 million per year …
National Solar Job Census 2010 Released
The first National Solar Jobs Census 2010 report was released this week and the report shows that top state for solar energy companies is California followed by Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan, and Arizona. The Solar Foundation, along with Green LMI Consulting undertook the project aimed at examining the size and scope of the solar industry. The census found that in …
Shell & MIT Partner to Pursue Energy Technology
In a $25 million research opportunity, Shell has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to support the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) that will focus on research and development of sustainable technologies designed to drive innovation in energy delivery. Beginning this year, MIT will receive $5 million per year for five years from Shell. The projects that the MITEI …