Ethanol Mantra – “Don’t Mess with the RFS”

Cindy Zimmerman

The mantra of the U.S. ethanol industry should be “Don’t Mess with the RFS,” according to Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen. Addressing 1,100 participants in the National Ethanol Conference in Las Vegas today, Dinneen said, “The state of the ethanol industry can be summed up in five words: under siege and fighting back.” “American ethanol is engaged …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Live Stream of Ethanol State of the Industry

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning Bob Dinneen, CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, will give his annual state of the ethanol industry speech at the 2013 National Ethanol Conference, scheduled for 8:15am pacific time. We’re streaming it live for you. Just click on the play button to watch. There may be a short commercial to sit through to get started. Thank you. Post …

biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, Video

National Ethanol Scholarship Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

A new face at the National Ethanol Conference this year is Wade Hunt, student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was the winner of this year’s NEC scholarship award, sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF), which offers college students the opportunity to attend the conference each year. “I’m definitely using this conference to learn more about the opportunities in …

Audio, Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

National Ethanol Conference Golf Tournament

Cindy Zimmerman

The weather is fabulous here in Las Vegas for the 18th National Ethanol Conference. About 100 of the attendees took part in the annual golf tournament under blue skies with the mountains as a backdrop. Pictured are Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen, Big River Resources general manager Jim Leiting, and Chris Standlee with Abengoa Bioenergy. The conference …

Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Nebraska Student Awarded NEC Scholarship

Joanna Schroeder

Wade Hunt, a native of Sterling, Nebraska, has been awarded the National Ethanol Conference (NEC) Scholarship. Wade began his university academic career at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a chemical engineering student. From there, he was accepted as a research internship for the Undergraduate Creative Academic Research Experience (UCARE) program. He also selected to participate in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Cellulosic, Education, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Linda DiVall with American Viewpoint to Keynote NEC

Joanna Schroeder

Linda DiVall, President and CEO of American Viewpoint will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming National Ethanol Conference: Driving Forward, taking place in Las Vegas February 5-7, 2013. She will discuss trends in public opinion related to ethanol in general, including its brand image as well as public support of the RFS, E15 and other mid-level blends, and other public …

biofuels, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Driving Forward Speakers Announced

Joanna Schroeder

Speakers for the National Ethanol Conference (NEC): Driving Forward being held Feburary 5-7, 2013 in Las Vegas have been announced. The conference will kick off with the Chairman of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Neill McKinstray, who is the president, Ethanol Group, The Andersons. The line-up will then feature the much anticipated State of the Industry Address from RFA President …

E15, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Scholarships Offered for Students to Attend NEC

Joanna Schroeder

The Renewable Fuels Association’s (RFA) annual National Ethanol Conference (NEC) is a great place to learn the ins and outs of the ethanol industry as well as network with key industry experts. That is why RFA is offering several scholarships for current college students interested in renewable fuels to attend the 2013 event. The awards will cover the cost of …

advanced biofuels, biofuels, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

NEC Moves to New Date

Joanna Schroeder

The 18th Annual National Ethanol Conference (NEC): Driving Forward is moving to a new date – February 5-7, 2013 at the Wynn in Las Vegas. The conference will cover key, timely issues within the ethanol industry including regulatory, marketing and policy issues. Experts will speak to the current market situation. In addition, a key focus will be on how the ethanol industry …

biofuels, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Ethanol Land Use Debate Continues

Cindy Zimmerman

The debate over ethanol, greenhouse gases and land use continues – and that was the topic of a panel discussion at the recent 17th annual National Ethanol Conference. The panel, moderated by Renewable Fuels Association VP of Research and Analysis Geoff Cooper, consisted of Thomas Darlington with Air Improvement Resource, Inc.; Dr. David Zilberman with the University of California-Berkeley; and …

advanced biofuels, Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, feedstocks, Indirect Land Use, National Ethanol Conference, RFA