Environmental Film Launched Amidst Controversy

Joanna Schroeder

Hey – in case you haven’t heard, tar sands are going to save the world. They are a renewable fuel you know. Wrong and wrong. Today, a new documentary focusing on the controversy surrounding the development of Alberta’s oil sands, “Downstream”, will be entering the US TV market, just in time to fire people up for Earth Day. Downstream is …

Energy, Environment, Miscellaneous, Video

Wind Energy For the Rest of Us

Joanna Schroeder

I love wind energy and I’ve been wanting a wind turbine for my home for awhile. So much so that I’ve been sending out communications on my Twitter account (ID – jmschroeder). Well, I’ve finally found one. The product is called Windspire and it is produced by Mariah Power, founded in 2005. It is 30 feet tall by 2 feet …

Miscellaneous, Video, Wind

AT&T Makes Big Investment in Alt Fuel Vehicles

John Davis

Communications giant AT&T is putting more than 15,000 alternatively-fueled vehicles on the road… a $565 million venture aimed at helping the environment and saving the company gasoline costs. This story from Bloomberg says Chief Executive Officer Randall Stephenson figures replacing the company’s cars with electric hybrids and more energy-efficient vehicles will save AT&T 49 million gallons of gas over the …


West Coast Highway Could Become Alt Fuel Corridor

John Davis

Soon, you might be able to drive from Canada to Mexico along the Pacific Coast… without ever burning a single drop of gasoline. This story on the gas2.0 Web site says governors in California, Orgeon and Washington have been talking about putting in the infrastructure on Interstate 5 so drivers could get biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and compressed natural gas, as …


Alternative Energy Grants Available

Joanna Schroeder

There are several new alternative energy grants available for wind energy and biomass energy. The first grant, “20% Wind by 2030: Overcoming the Challenges” was posted on February 27, 2009 and closes on March 5, 2009. The government is posed to award up to 99 grants for a total of $8 million. You can get more information and apply online …


Ethanol Debuts on the Fashion Runway

Joanna Schroeder

Ethanol debuted on the fashion runway last year…as a pair of jeans. Yes, jeans. Fashion meets environment with these stylish jeans that are made from cotton grown with less pesticides and sold in recycled packaging. The jeans are branded “ethanol” to the hilt with the buttons sporting a “e,” and an ethanol patch on the back. But possibly the best feature is …

Ethanol, Miscellaneous

UNI Professor Calls for Diversity in Alternative Energy

John Davis

We should not put all of our energy eggs in one basket… that’s the view of a professor from the University of Northern Iowa, who also dismisses some of the food-versus-fuel myths in this fascinating guest column in the Des Moines (IA) Register. Lou Honary, a professor and director of the National Ag-Based Lubricants Center at UNI, says while biodiesel …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Miscellaneous, News, Opinion

Wind, Solar & Geothermal Make Energy & Money for Utah Schools

John Davis

Students in Utah schools are having their classrooms lit up and warmed up by a combination of wind, solar and geothermal energy sources. Those classrooms are also being funded by those same renewable energy projects. This story from the Salt Lake Tribune says Utah’s School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration could make millions of dollars for the school trust over …

Government, Miscellaneous, Solar, Wind