SEIA Supports Florida Solar Bill

Joanna Schroeder

Floridians have a chance to vote in support of solar by supporting the Solar Choice 2016 ballot initiative. This grassroots community effort was launched as a means to allow more homes and businesses to generate electricity from solar. Florida is one of only five states in the nation that prohibits its citizens from buying electricity from companies that install solar …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Legislation, Solar

Growth Energy Points to Cruz Record on Biofuels

John Davis

As Texas Sen. Ted Cruz announces his candidacy for president, Growth Energy is reminding voters of what the ethanol group calls his “pro-fossil fuel, pro-drilling legislation attempts to kill the homegrown renewable fuels industry.” This news release points to Cruz’s American Energy Renaissance Act, which Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy, says will promotes Big Oil and deny consumer choice. …

biofuels, Government, Growth Energy, Legislation, politics

Sens Wyden, Risch Intro Geothermal Energy Bill

Joanna Schroeder

Senators Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Jim Risch, R-Idaho, have introduced legislation to encourage geothermal energy production on public lands. Coined the Geothermal Production Expansion Act, the bill would prevent speculative bidders from driving up the price of leases for developers seeking to use the land for geothermal projects. The bill streamlines the federal geothermal leasing program by allowing for the …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Geothermal, Legislation, Renewable Energy

Moms Fight Colorado Roll Back of Renewable Energy

John Davis

A group of moms in Colorado are fighting proposed changes in that state’s legislature to Colorado’s renewable energy standards. The group, Colorado Moms Know Best, say they oppose the changes that would rollback from 30 percent down to 15 percent of the energy produced and consumed in the state. “Moms believe we have a moral obligation to protect children’s health …

biofuels, Government, Legislation

IRFA: Iowa ‘Gas Tax’ to Boost Biodiesel

John Davis

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has joined the Iowa Biodiesel Board in welcoming a state gas tax that is awaiting the governor’s signature that will create a 3-cent per gallon differential tax rate for 11 percent biodiesel and higher blends. The IRFA says the measure would boost the availability and sales of cleaner-burning, locally-produced biodiesel. Under the legislation, diesel …

Biodiesel, Iowa RFA, Legislation

W. Virginia Gov – Don’t Put Solar in the Dark

Joanna Schroeder

Solar supporters from across the country are calling on West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin to veto House Bill 2201 – a bill that could jeopardize the future of rooftop solar in the state by rewriting net metering policies. Solar advocates from Tell Utilities Solar Won’t Be Killed (TUSK) claim that utilities, such as American Electric Power (AEP) and FirstEnergy, …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Legislation, Renewable Energy, Solar

Growth Tells Ethanol Producers to Talk to Congress

John Davis

As alternative energy producers have gathered in Washington, D.C. for the 2015 Energy Independence Summit, the leader of a group representing ethanol producers’ interests is encouraging them to take time to see lawmakers while they are in town. Growth Energy’s Tom Buis told attendees to let their representatives know how critical the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is in achieving energy …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Growth Energy, Legislation