One of the country’s oldest ethanol producers says it could generate a lot of economic activity for the rural communities where it has had to idle some plants, if the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) wasn’t being tinkered with. Speaking at yesterday’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearing on the agency’s proposed changes to the RFS, Mark Beemer, President of Aventine Renewable …

RFS is Working… Why Are We Here?
So the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) should certainly be considered a success since it is doing many of the things it was projected to do: – A capacity that is greater than 10 percent of the total fuel supply (that amount was expected right in the original bill) – An alternative to foreign-based fuels – A growing renewable fuels industry …
AEC’s Coleman: RFS Proposal “Off Track”
The executive director of the Renewable Fuel Association’s (RFA) Advanced Ethanol Council (AEC) says what the government is proposing when it comes to the amount of ethanol and biodiesel to be blended into fuels is “off track.” Speaking today at the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), in Arlington, Va., just across the river from …
Branstad Makes Impassioned Plea for RFS
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad made an impassioned plea in favor of the current Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and showed no love for what the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing for reducing the amount of ethanol and biodiesel to be put into gasoline as originally mandated in the 2007 law. “After decades of efforts to reduce our dependency on foreign …
Patriot’s Hulting Tells Rural Businesses’ Side of RFS
A change in the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) will have dramatic impacts for the small businesses that have cropped up in rural America. That was the message Patriot Renewable Fuels‘ Judd Hulting made to the Environmental Protection Agency’s hearing on its proposal to reduce the amount of ethanol and biodiesel to be mixed into gasoline. “We believe what is being …
Dinneen: RFS Not for Big Oil’s Convenience
The case for keeping the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as-is is being made today at an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearing in Arlington, Va. Our friends from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) have shown up in force, making sure biofuels’ voices are being heard. Bob Dinneen, President and CEO of the RFA, told the EPA that they need to keep …
Save The RFS Ad Debutes in Iowa
A new “Save the RFS” television ad is now running throughout Iowa, a key state in Presidential elections. The ad was produced by Americans United For Change (AUFC) who says while Big Oil is advertising to elites in the DC market, they are playing at the heart of the country where real people and their lives and livelihoods are at …
What Does Wall Street Think of the RFS?
So what does Wall Street think of the EPA’s 2014 proposed rule for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This question was asked during a media call hosted by the Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA) in anticipation for the EPA public hearing on December 5th regarding their proposed rule. And the answer was given by Pavel Molchanov, SVP and Equity Research Analyst, …
UNICA Weighs In On EPA’s 2014 Proposed Rules
UNICA will be weighing in today during the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) public hearing on their 2014 proposed rules for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Leticia Phillips, the North American representative for the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA), notes that the organization believes the proposed renewable fuels volumes “pulls the rug from underneath the advanced biofuels industry.” Phillips says UNICA …
Live From EPA Hearing on RFS
We are live from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard in Arlington, Va., just across the Potomac River from the Nation’s capital! In less than an hour, we’ll start hearing from advocates and friends of the biofuels industry, in particular, our friends from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), who have come from across the country …