Affordable Housing Community Dedicates Solar System

Joanna Schroeder

Community HousingWorks (CHW) and HelioPower hosted a celebration today for the completion of the first multifamily affordable Solar Housing MASH) project to be completed at Las Serenas, an affordable housing community located in San Diego. The 108-unit neighborhood will receive free solar energy from the solar power system and it is estimated that the energy will offset nearly 20 percent …

Electricity, Energy, energy efficiency, Solar

SEPA Releases Utility Solar Rankings Report

Joanna Schroeder

The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) released its 2010 SEPA Utility Solar Rankings report today that details the top utility companies to add solar energy to their portfolios in 2010. More specifically, the report identifies the Top 10 U.S. utilities that added the most new solar power to their systems last year and the Top 10 utilities that added the …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Removing Barriers for Clean Technologies

Joanna Schroeder

A new “joint principles” document has been created by the Electricity Storage Association (ESA) and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) to help level the playing field for clean energy technologies. Both organizations advocate for public policies that will remove barriers and increase market access for emerging clean energy technologies such as wind. In the current climate, it has been …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Third Annual SolarDay June 18

Joanna Schroeder

For those living in Canada, United States and England, SolarDay is June 18, 2011. However, if you live in Australia, you’ll have to wait until November 19, 2011 – but no worries, I’m sure you’ll get some great ideas from the events that will take place on or around June 18th. The event has grown from one event in 2009, …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Solar Panel Efficiency on the Rise

Joanna Schroeder

The efficiency of solar panels are on the rise with several companies making recent announcements that new products have increased sun to energy conversion rates. Today SunPower Corp has launched the SunPower E20 series of solar panels that achieve total area efficiencies of 20 percent or more. The 96-cell E20 solar panels are available in 333 watt and 327 watt …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Trojan Releases New Batteries Suited for PV Systems

Joanna Schroeder

Trojan Battery Company has expanded its product line with the release of the Industrial flooded line of batteries designed for use with renewable energy. The batteries were developed to support large daily loads where batteries are regularly cycled, the case with photovoltaic (PV) systems. Storage of the energy generated by solar systems has been a challenge for the industry. “As …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Canadian Solar Launches ELPS Solar Cell Technology

Joanna Schroeder

Canadian Solar has released its latest technology, ELPS solar cell technology. ELPS achieves up to 19.5 percent cell efficiency for the monocrystalline and up to 18 percent for polycrystalline cells. The new technology will be debuted at Intersolar Munich, 2011. “With the new ELPS Cell technology we again managed to significantly lower the production cost per watt while at the …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Crimea Home to New Solar Power Project

Joanna Schroeder

The Ukraine has finalized the construction of a new solar energy power station in the Crimea with the help of Nature Energy. The new solar project is a part of the country’s National Projects aimed at lessening the imported energy consumption by 30 percent by 2015. The solar power system has the ability to produce up to 25 thousand megawatt-hours, …

Electricity, Energy, Solar