Good news today for several California biofuel producers. The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved eight grants worth more than $9.6 million along with $11,969,855 in private funds. Each winning project demonstrated its ability to reduce petroleum use, reduce pollution and provide jobs. The categories of industry that were eligible for funding included biofuels, manufacturers of electric vehicles and batteries, …

Book Review – Power Hungry
You may remember Robert Bryce from his book, “Gusher of Lies,” Bryce is back with his new book, “Power Hungry.” I shouldn’t have liked this book – his last one made me angry. I should have stopped reading after the introduction – he made his point of the book very clear. But I read the entire book and believe it …
Is Clean Diesel a New Alternative Fuel?
There is a surge of new diesel vehicles entering the U.S. market place in response to the need for better fuel economy along with lower fuel emissions. The diesel industry has been promoting low diesel fuels, and in some cases, diesel fuel has been labeled an “advanced fuel.” For example, Rentech has created a diesel fuel called RenDiesel that can …
Take A Ride On A Solar Tram
Tourists who visit Pelican Bay, one of Florida’s premier beachfront communities, will now be transported via solar trams. The Pelican Bay Foundation, which owns 43 acres of parks, recreation areas, beachfront facilities and boardwalks, has officially converted their resident transportation trams system to solar/electric vehicles provided by Eco Trans Alliance of Sarasota, Florida. Per year, an annual tram logs 25,000 …
Biodiesel to Power Fuel Cells for Electric Vehicles
Biodiesel could be the fuel that charges fuel cells for electric vehicles. ScienceDaily reports Norwegian company Nordic Power Systems (NPS) has developed a silent generator that works with California-based SAFCell Inc.’s new fuel cell using a smart diesel reformer and a tolerant fuel cell and could contend for the market in generators in electric vehicles: This combination of two advanced …
Cruise Car Rolls Out Solar Electric Car
Have an inkling to cruise around town in a fuel efficient car? Then check out the new ‘All American’ line of 15 solar electric Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) developed by Cruise Car, Inc. The cars are manufactured in the U.S. and use up to 50 percent recycled or certified re-manufactured parts and materials. The LSV line cars are constructed with …
NASA’s Space Center Goes Solar
The space center is going solar. This week, NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), located on the East coast of Florida, has begun the installation of a 79 kilowatt solar array on their new Propellants North Facility. The solar panels selected were developed and manufactured by Sharp. Once completed, the solar array will generate enough energy to power the …
US Fuel Convoys Under Attack, Amplifies Call for Renewable Energy
The beginning of October has brought at least 10 Pakistani attacks on oil tankers carrying fuel for NATO vehicles in Afghanistan. The NY Times reported today that fuel convoys are “sitting ducks” and as a result, have come under increasing attack. In response, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords came out in support of bipartisan leaders of the House Armed Services Committee …
Electric Cars More Impactful Than RES
Which is better for our country in terms of oil dependence? Enacting a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) or moving forward with developing and deploying electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure? According to a new report released by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, electric cars hold greater promise for reducing emissions and lowering U.S. oil imports than a national …