Clean Fuels Conference 202

Free Webinar on New RFS2 NPRM

Joanna Schroeder

The EPA has released a new Notice of Proposed Rule Making: RFS Pathways II and Technical Amendments to the RFS2 Standards. EcoEngineers is offering a FREE webinar on July 10, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm central standard time (CST). Some of the proposed changes include: New penalties for failure to meet certain RFS reporting deadlines. Additional requirements for …

biofuels, Education, RINS

Biodiesel Tour de Force

Joanna Schroeder

This week, six Iowa biodiesel producers, a soybean farmer and several Iowa Biodiesel Board staff will be visiting Capitol Hill to urge Iowa’s Congressional delegation to continue fighting for a strong Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The group joins more than 100 other biodiesel advocates from two dozen states in lobbying for Congressional support. “Oil interests have this policy in their …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, Education, NBB

NBB Unveils New TV Ad Campaign

Joanna Schroeder

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) has unveiled a new television advertising campaign to make the point that consumers and taxpayers are better protected by a diverse supply of transportation fuels. The 30-second commercial is airing on national TV networks and on Washington, D.C. broadcast and cable news outlets. “Biofuels are helping to diversify America’s transportation fuels, which protects consumers by …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, Education, NBB, Video

Free Ethanol Seminars Coming in Nebraska

Joanna Schroeder

The next two Ethanol Safety Seminars will take place in Grand Island and Columbus, Nebraska on June 12, 2013 and June 13, 2013. The safety seminars are sponsored by the Nebraska Central Railroad and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The sessions are FREE to attend and open to the public. Attendees will receive in-depth information on proper training techniques that …

biofuels, Education, Ethanol, RFA

Webinars Focus on Legal Issues For Ethanol Producers

Joanna Schroeder

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) along with Michael Best & Friedrich LLP (Michael Best) are hosting a webinar series focused on pressing legal issues facing ethanol producers. The first webinar focused on compliance issues with federal Health Care Reform in 2013. The 30 minute webinar, says ACE Executive Vice President Brian Jennings, will be a valuable resource for the …

ACE, biofuels, Education, Ethanol

Advanced Biofuels USA to Host “Freedom”

Joanna Schroeder

Advanced Biofuels USA is teaming up with HEAT, an environmental advocacy team based at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, to present a showing of the documentary “FREEDOM“. Following the screening, there will be a panel discussion featuring local leading advanced biofuel researchers and supporters. The event takes place on Earth Day, Monday, April 22, 2013 at Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock …

advanced biofuels, Education, Environment

FREE EPA Rulemaking Seminar

Joanna Schroeder

EcoEngineers is offering a FREE webinar for renewable fuel producers to offer clear direction for successfully implementing policies currently in process by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The informational webinar on QAP A AND B and EPA’S Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is set for Wednesday, April 3, 2013 from 1-2 pm CST. During this session, EcoEngineers Partner and Chief …

biofuels, Education

UCSB Hosting Summit on Energy Efficiency

Joanna Schroeder

UC Santa Barbara’s Institute for Energy Efficiency is hosting the 2013 Summit on Energy Efficiency on May 1-2, 2013. The forum will focus on the latest innovations in materials science and technology for energy generation, energy storage, lighting, and electronics. The event is designed to provide dialogue about how advancements in materials science and technology can meet future energy needs …

Education, energy efficiency, Environment

NW-REI Offers Wind Turbine Training

Joanna Schroeder

Northwest Renewable Energy Institute (NW-REI) is offering a Wind Turbine Technician program and is hosting three free informational sessions on the program this month: Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00 pm; Saturday, March 9th at 10:30 am; and Saturday, March 23rd at 10:30 am. According to the U.S. Department of Energy energy map of installed wind capacity, Oregon and Washington are …

Alternative energy, Education, Electricity, Energy, Wind