The DieselSellerz, stars of the Discovery Channel show “Diesel Brothers” were a big hit at the Commodity Classic last week as they unveiled their latest creation – a fully customized, biodiesel powered, Ford F550 Powerstroke diesel. The truck was built in partnership with the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council as a way to highlight biodiesel as a commercial fuel …

Enogen® Premiums Will Top $100 Million in 2018
For the past five years, Enogen® corn enzyme technology has given farmers the opportunity to be enzyme suppliers for participating ethanol plants and earn a per-bushel premium, and by the end of this year, Syngenta expects total premiums paid to Enogen corn growers to top $100 million. Syngenta made that announcement at the Commodity Classic last week. Chris Tingle, head …
Perdue Answers RINs Question During Town Hall
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue held a town hall on the main stage in the Commodity Classic Trade Show Thursday and answered some questions from a few of the hundreds of farmers who gathered to watch and listen. Former National Corn Growers Association president Pam Johnson of Iowa wanted to know specifically if the secretary supported a cap on …
Perdue Pledges “Unequivocal” Support for RFS
A lot of drama and speculation preceded the appearance of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue at Commodity Classic, thanks to some reports questioning his support for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), so he wasted no time in stating his “unequivocal” support for the law. “I have not and will not support any policies in this country that diminish the demand, undermine …
Soy Growers Honor Jobe for Service
The American Soybean Association (ASA) recognized former National Biodiesel Board (NBB) CEO Joe Jobe with its Special Meritorious Service Award during the recent 2017 Commodity Classic in San Antonio, Texas. “Joe’s commitment and dedication helped build and grow a biodiesel industry that has benefited U.S. soybean farmers and many other agricultural stakeholders,” said ASA President Ron Moore, a soybean farmer …
Ethanol Keeps Growing Economic Impact
There were over 9,000 attendees at the 2017 Commodity Classic last week, about half of those farmers, and the majority of them can claim some of the direct or indirect jobs supported by the ethanol industry. According to the latest study by ABF Economics, the U.S. ethanol industry added $42.1 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product in 2016 and …
#Classic17 Features #Propane Power
Propane power was on display at the Commodity Classic in many forms. We had the opportunity to walk through what’s new in propane with Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) director of agriculture business development Cinch Munson. Watch the video below and listen to the interview to learn more about propane autogas use on the farm, the new Quick-Connect Nozzle, …
ACE DC Fly-in During Ag Week
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is holding its annual Washington, DC fly-in March 22-23 during National Ag Week – the first week of spring. ACE Director of Strategic Projects Shannon Gustafson says there will be lots going on in the nation’s capitol that week so it is a great time for ethanol supporters to be there. “We are trying …
RFA CEO Speaks Out
After sending the ethanol industry into an uproar this week over his talks with a Trump administration adviser about potential changes to the point of obligation under the RFS, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen visited the Commodity Classic in San Antonio to talk about the issue. “We remain opposed to changing the point of obligation because we …
#Ethanol Controversy Talk at #Classic17
The controversy that erupted this week within the ethanol industry over alleged backroom deals with the Trump administration to change the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has generated a lot of discussion this week at the annual Commodity Classic in San Antonio. The event is the annual meeting for thousands of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum farmers from around the country. …