Clariant and ORLEN Południe have signed a license agreement on sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol technology. The announcement represents a significant strategic milestone for Clariant as this second license agreement for its sunliquid technology is another successful step to commercialize its highly innovative and sustainable technology. For ORLEN Południe, the agreement supports the intention to realize a full scale commercial plant for …

Clariant Tests Miscanthus for Cellulosic Ethanol
Clariant announced it has successfully concluded tests on miscanthus provided by INA, Croatia’s leading oil and gas company, that was shipped for processing to Clariant’s pre-commercial sunliquid plant in Germany for conversion into lignocellulosic sugars and ethanol. Final results prove that the sunliquid technology can successfully convert miscanthus biomass into lignocellulosic sugars and ethanol, confirming the benefits of the sugar …
Lallemand and Toyota Sign Cellulosic Yeast Agreement
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS) has signed an agreement with Toyota Motor Corporation to produce and market a new portfolio of yeast strains “TOYOTA XyloAce™” for cellulosic ethanol production in North America. Toyota, through the use of gene recombination technology, has recently developed new yeast strains that will play an important role in the fermentation process for producing cellulosic …
VERBIO Closes on DuPont Cellulosic Plant
VERBIO North America Corporation (VNA), the U.S. subsidiary of German bioenergy producer VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG, has completed the purchase of DuPont’s Nevada, Iowa-based cellulosic ethanol plant and a portion of its corn stover inventory. VNA president Greg Northrup says the company will now finalize its plans to install facilities to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) made from corn stover …
German Company Buys DuPont Cellulosic Plant
VERBIO North America Corporation (VNA), the U.S. subsidiary of leading German bioenergy producer VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG (VERBIO), has agreed to acquire the DuPont cellulosic ethanol plant in Nevada, Iowa that was shut down and put up for sale last year. VNA also purchased a portion of the plant’s corn stover inventory and intends to install facilities to produce renewable …
ND Plant to Turn Straw into Cellulosic Ethanol
NewEnergyBlue is about six months away from breaking ground on a cellulosic ethanol refinery that will turn North Dakota straw into low carbon fuel for California drivers. New Energy Spirit Biomass Refinery is forecast to turn 280,000 tons of North Dakota wheat straw into 16-million gallons a year of some of the lowest carbon auto fuel selling in California, the …
CARB Internship Focuses on Cellulosic Ethanol
The Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF), Pacific Ethanol, and Aemetis co-sponsored a new internship this year at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for a college student to learn more about low-carbon cellulosic biofuels and their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The RFF is the research and educational arm of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). Diamond Coleman, a senior biology …
House Subcommittee Hearing on Advanced Biofuels
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment held its fourth hearing this year aimed at addressing issues related to fuels and vehicles, this time focusing on advanced biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Among those who testified at the hearing on Friday were Advanced Biofuels Association president Mike McAdams, National Association of Truck Stop Operators representative Robin Puthusseril, …
Enogen-Enhanced Cellerate Technology Advancing Biofuels
The Advanced Biofuels Conference ran in conjunction with the 2018 Fuel Ethanol Conference last week in Omaha and several sessions were sponsored by Cellerate® process technology, enhanced by Syngenta Enogen corn. Miloud Araba, Technical Services for Enogen, participated in two panels to discuss how Enogen and Cellerate are helping move advanced biofuels forward. “Cellerate allows producers to get more ethanol, …
Purdue Tackles Biorefinery Blockage Issues
A team led by Purdue University scientists is receiving a $1.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office to solve the problem of biomass flow for biorefineries. Lignocellulosic biomass, often made up of materials such as corn stover and soybean hulls, often accumulates and compacts while moving through augers, forcing costly shutdowns for cleaning and repairs. …