The Cash for Clunker’s program is in full swing yet keeps hitting potholes. Less than one week after it was launched, it ran out of money and the Senate/Congress passed another $2 billion for the program but to get the money, took it from current biofuels programs that were designated as part of the Recovery & Reinvestment Act. Now, the …

Feds to Give $2.4 Bil for Battery-Powered Vehicles
Federal grants totaling $2.4 billion will be handed out for the development of fuel-saving, battery-powered vehicles. CNN reports President Barack Obama made the announcement at an RV plant in Elkhart County, Indiana: “For too long, we’ve failed to invest in this kind of innovative work, even as countries like China and Japan were racing ahead,” he said. “With these investments, …
Biodiesel Vehicles Get Boost from Cash for Clunkers
New cars that run on biodiesel have gotten a boost from the federal government’s Cash for Clunkers program. Biodiesel Magazine reports that portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has helped encourage the sale of clean diesel vehicles, which, of course, run on biodiesel: “It’s completely exceeded our expectations,” said Sean Maynard of Volkswagen U.S. “Clean diesels …
FFV Campain Announced at Farm-to-Fuel Summit
The Clean Fuels Foundation and the FlexFuel Vehicle Club of America are the project organizers in cooperation with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The lead sponsor for the pilot project is the Renewable Fuels Association. Other project supporters include General Motors, Verenium, Protec Fuel Management, Urbieta Oil, Florida Biofuels Association, and the USDA Office of Energy Policy …
Biodiesel Cop Car Maker Picks Three Factory Finalists
A car maker that plans to build the world’s first police car designed from the ground up specifically for law enforcement officers and that will happen run on biodiesel has narrowed its choices to three states for its factory. This press release from Carbon Motors Corporation, a new homeland security company, says Georgia, Indiana and South Carolina are finalists for …
Oil Company Launches Battery-Powered Car
In what could be considered a paradox, an oil company has a car that won’t need any non-renewable petroleum. This article from the Web site says ExxonMobil is introducing the Maya 300, a lithium-ion battery powered car that can drive up to 120 miles on one charge… but looks and feels like a gasoline-powered car: The Maya 300 was …