Groups Oppose Motion to Remand SREs without Vacatur

Cindy Zimmerman

Six biofuel-supporting organizations filed a motion this week opposing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) motion to “remand but not vacate the 31 small refinery exemptions (SREs) the Trump Administration granted in August 2019.” The Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, National Corn Growers Association, National Biodiesel Board, American Coalition for Ethanol, and National Farmers Union as a coalition are currently challenging …

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NBB, NCGA, NFU, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

USDA COVID Aid and Infrastructure for Biofuels Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

During a town hall style webinar with Farm Journal Editor Clinton Griffiths last week, USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said payments for biofuels producers impacted by the pandemic could come in the very near future. “We made the decision to put resources into the biofuel industry and I would expect and anticipate we’re going to be seeing announcements on …

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

#FPS21 Features Congressional Biofuels Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

Six Republican members of Congress from Illinois, Iowa and Indiana held a Biofuels Summit at the Farm Progress Show on Wednesday to discuss the importance of ethanol and biodiesel to the region and the challenges being faced by the biofuels industry. House Biofuels Caucus Co-chair Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL) was joined by Mike Bost (R-IL), Darin LaHood (R-IL), Randy Feenstra …

Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farm Progress Show

Wrap-up Report on Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Activities

Chuck Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association has completed its on-site activities at the Buffalo Chip Campground during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. To wrap things up I talked with Robert White, VP of Industry Relations, RFA. Official numbers of bikers is not ready yet but looks like it could be a record. The educational and promotion activities and sponsorships that RFA invests in …

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

International Visitors to Sturgis Rally Love Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally attracts visitors from all over the world. During the Free Fuel Happy Hours, educational and promotion efforts by the Renewable Fuels Association are conducted at the Buffalo Chip Campground. I spoke with one of the bikers who is a return visitor from Hungary. He says that in Hungary, fuel blended with ethanol up to 10 …

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Groups Urge Fair Analysis for Aviation Fuel Tax Credit

Cindy Zimmerman

A group of agricultural and biofuels organizations is urging Congress to make sure an accountable life cycle analysis is used in developing a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax credit. The Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Biodiesel Board, National Corn Growers Association, and National Farmers Union sent a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance …

aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, Sustainability

NBB Launches Ad Campaign on Renewable Fuel Standard

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board has launched a new radio advertising campaign calling on President Biden to maintain his commitment to the Renewable Fuel Standard. The ads will air on more than 200 radio stations in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin on the Brownfield Ag News Network. “As a candidate last August, Joe Biden called the Renewable Fuel Standard ‘our …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, canola, EPA, NBB, RFS

Lawmakers Call for Biofuels Support

Cindy Zimmerman

A group of Republican Senators is requesting a meeting with President Biden to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard and promote biofuels as a key solution for America’s energy and climate agenda. The letter was led by Senators Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall of Kansas. “We seek an audience to discuss the tremendous opportunity that biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel present …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News

REG Teams With Manchester United

Cindy Zimmerman

Manchester United Football Club and Renewable Energy Group, Inc. have teamed up for a shared mission to tackle climate change and create a cleaner world. The Club and Renewable Energy Group will work together to raise awareness of the company’s biofuel products and encourage positive environmental change among Manchester United’s global fanbase and beyond. Manchester United was among the first …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, biofuels, Environment, REG

Court Upholds 2019 RFS Volumes, Rejects Refiner Arguments

Cindy Zimmerman

A D.C. Circuit Court decision Friday upholds 2019 renewable fuel volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard, while at the same time rejecting arguments from oil refiners that the RFS causes them economic hardship. The National Biodiesel Board, one of the biofuels petitioners in the case challenging EPA’s failure to account for retroactive small refinery exemptions that undercut the annual volumes …

Biodiesel, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA