Clean Fuels Conference 202

Biofuels Digest Diverts Blame to China

John Davis

China, not biofuels, are to blame for rising food costs. At least, that’s what The Biofuels Digest suggests. The online publication says their study finds that for every bushel of grain used to make U.S. ethanol, six are used to support Chinese meat demand. A change in Chinese meat consumption habits since 1995 is diverting eight billion bushels of grain …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, Food prices, Research

Canadians Support Biofuels

John Davis

The U.S. isn’t the only country in North America that’s trying to fuel change in fuel standards. The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association says a new poll suggests Canadians are just as bio-conscious… A new nationwide poll shows that Canadians overwhelmingly support the national renewable fuels strategy to blend biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel in Canada’s fuel supply. The national Praxicus …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, News

Ceres First to Brand Seeds for Bioengery Crops

John Davis

As technology unleashes more and more energy possibilities from more and more crops, it can get a little confusing as to which plants can do what. Ceres, Inc. plans to clarify bio-friendly seeds with its new bioenergy seed brand. Energy crop company Ceres, Inc. plans to market its agricultural seeds and traits under the trade name Blade Energy Crops in …

Agribusiness, corn, Distribution, Energy, Farming, News

Gen. Colin Powell to Speak at Biotechnology Summer Conference

John Davis

The state of sustainable agriculture in developing countries will be one of the main issues addressed at the BIO International Convention this summer. The Biotechnology Industry Organization is hosting the convention in San Diego from Tuesday, June 17 through Friday, June 20. Biotechnology leaders from around the globe will be descending upon San Diego, one of the leading biotech hubs …

Agribusiness, BIO, Biotech, conferences, Energy, Environment, Government, News

Beatn’ the Heat on Ethanol

John Davis

There’s no question that there’s been a media barrage giving ethanol a bad rap. Just today, the Kansas City Star’s cover story focused on criticism of the alternative fuel. That story came just in time for today’s Roadrunner Turbo Indy 300. The entire IndyCar Series runs on nearly 100 percent ethanol fuel. And, leading representatives of the ethanol industry say …

Agribusiness, Audio, E85, Energy, Environment, EPIC, Ethanol, Food prices, Indy Racing, News, Promotion, Racing

CleanTech Researches Waste to Ethanol

John Davis

Cellulosic ethanol is gaining ground… and CleanTech Biofuels is the next in line to research how to turn waste into fuel. CleanTech Biofuels is pleased to announce that it has engaged Hazen Research, Inc to construct and operate the pre-commercial stages of our Municipal Solid Waste to Ethanol project at Hazen’s eight acre research facility in Golden, Colorado. In late …

Agribusiness, Cellulosic, Energy, Ethanol, Facilities, Research

BASF Podcast Tackles Clean Diesel

John Davis

This week’s Chemical of Innovations podcast from BASF explores how consumers can make exhaust fumes of their diesel vehicles cleaner through catalysts technology. In terms of design a diesel is much more efficient: It uses less fuel and emits less CO2. To purify diesel exhaust fumes is a challenge and only possible because manufacturers of catalytic converters like BASF Catalysts …

Agribusiness, Energy, transportation

Biodiesel from Tropical Paradise

John Davis

Americans might soon be fueling up with biodiesel from the Phillipines. Abundant Biofuels Corporation has received the green light for developing 300 million gallons of biodiesel fuel from the island of Mindanao each year. The Supreme Council of Datus Alimaong has reached agreement with Monterey, CA-based Abundant Biofuels Corporation to develop more than 1.2 million acres of ancestral domain for …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Energy, Farming, Government, International

Ag Day Celebrates Food, Fiber and Fuel Chain

Cindy Zimmerman

Today is the first day of spring and the traditional celebration of National Agriculture Day. This is the 35th anniversary of National Ag Day and this year, the Ag Council of America unveiled the new “Food/Fiber/Biofuel Chain” poster. The poster shows all of the industries involved in the production, processing, and distribution of feeding, clothing and fueling the American consumer. …

Agribusiness, News

England Co. Gathers Biogas from Animal Waste

John Davis

McCain Foods Great Britain is enlisting Eco-Tec for its new venture in capturing biogas from anaerobic digester lagoons. The project is the latest effort meant to promote energy efficiency from McCain Foods. As part of its energy efficiency projects, McCain Foods in Great Britain implemented a waste process that includes the capture of biogas from anaerobic digester lagoons, and purifying …

Agribusiness, Energy, News