Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite fish?” Looks like grilled is a favorite by a landslide. Personally, I agree. I didn’t learn to like fish until later in life and still don’t cook it often, but love when someone makes it for me. It is interesting to see all the fast-food chains adding a fish sandwich to …

Majority in Ag Boycott Chipotle
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think about Chipotle’s Farmed & Dangerous?” An overwhelming majority said they have boycotted Chipotle and I am proud to say I fit into that majority. I also believe Chipotle should be ashamed and have decided I don’t need to watch their recent stunt to know they are bad news. Thank you …
Many Say They Would Use E15 or E85 if Available
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “If available, would you put E15 or E85 in your vehicle?” Although for different reasons, the majority of you said you would use E15 or E85 in your personal vehicle if it was available. It seems the availability is the question. When will we see more stations carrying different blends of ethanol beyond the …
Are Higher Blends of Ethanol For You?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How does farm economy compare to general U.S.?” Results varied, but the majority say they feel the U.S. farm economy is better then the general economy. As we move further into 2014 it will be interesting to see how small herd numbers and the drought in California affect people’s outlook. Our poll results: WAY …
Could Drones (UAV’s) Be Utilized On Your Operation?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your opinion of state HSUS Ag Councils?” We had an overwhelming large turn out of voters for this controversial ZimmPoll question. The majority of voters agree that if the HSUS label is present in anything, then it can’t be trusted. However, many are eager to work with the group. Everyone is entitled to …
Young Scientist’s Share Passion for Biodiesel
Students from across the country took advantage of this year’s National Biodiesel Conference and presented their research to gain feed back and awareness of the biodiesel industry. This opportunity also allowed them to network with fellow researchers and learn more about the biodiesel community. Chuck met up with three of the young people and they shared what sparked their interest …
Biodiesel’s Role in Bio-based Products
Director of bio-based products for the United Soybean Board (USB), Michael Erker, was one of the many attendees of the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference. He works with many bio-based products including biodiesel. He gives insights into what bio-based products that contain biodiesel include and shares how involved USB is in funding biodiesel research. “When we talk about bio-based products made …
Biodiesel Foundation’s Never Ending Support
It is easy to say that many of the promotional opportunities we see from the biodiesel industry wouldn’t be possible without the Biodiesel Foundation. During the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference the foundation was hard at work to raise money in order to increase awareness. Beth Calabotta, Vice President of the Biodiesel Foundation, shared with Chuck in an interview that their …
Farm Polices Impact on Precision Ag
Member of the National Corn Growers Association Board and director of Western Iowa Energy, LLC, Kevin Ross, chatted with Chuck after the opening session at the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference. They discuss farm policy and how precision agriculture technology has impacted his farming operation where he raises cattle and grows corn and soybeans. Kevin shared that if we don’t move …
Growing Use of Technology for Growers
Commodity groups across the country also took interest in the happenings at the recent National Biodiesel Conference. Frank Legner, Legner Farms is a member of the Illinois Soybean Association and attended the conference to relay the update on biodiesel to growers in Illinois. He talks about how he uses precision agriculture on his farm where they grow 50/50 soybeans and …