JinkoSolar Partners with GRID Alternatives

Joanna Schroeder

JinkoSolar has entered in to a partnership with GRID Alternatives, a U.S. nonprofit solar installer, to donate 150kW of its solar modules towards the installation and training of volunteers of solar electric systems exclusively for low-income homeowners. The company says its donation will provide savings of over $2 million for low-income families over the systems’ lifetimes, and support more than …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Solar

Canada to Fund Algae-to-Biodiesel Project

John Davis

A joint project between the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and industry partners could result in technology to grow algae to be made into several items, including biodiesel, in the heart of the Canadian petroleum industry: oil sands facilities. The Algal Carbon Conversion Pilot Project, a partnership among the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Canadian Natural Resources Limited …

algae, Biodiesel, International

Investors Interested in Fossil Fuel-Free Portfolios

Joanna Schroeder

According to a recent survey conducted by SRI, 65 percent of retail investors and 53 percent of institutional investors are currently expressing interest in fossil fuel-free portfolios in reaction to climate change. More than 2,000 SRI industry professionals took the First Affirmative Financial Network’s Fossil Fuels Divestment Survey in anticipation of the 24th annual SRI Conference taking place October 28-30 …

Carbon, Clean Energy, Climate Change

RFA Honored for Emergency Readiness Training

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) was honored today with the “2012 TRANSCAER® National Achievement Award,” at the Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives HazMat Seminar in Addison, Texas. RFA received the award for its commitment to the goals of TRANSCAER® and for its role in educating communities on how to handle chemical transportation emergencies. TRANSCAER® (Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, safety, transportation

EPA Proposes RFS Amendments

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) amendments and clarifications, which include new pathway determinations for advanced biofuels such as isobutanol and ethanol from crop residues. The EPA proposal also includes “various changes to the E15 misfueling mitigation regulations (E15 MMR) which are minor technical corrections and amendments to sections dealing with labeling, E15 surveys, product …

advanced biofuels, BIO, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFA, RFS

Rebuffed in EU, Argentina Aims for US Biodiesel Market

John Davis

Shut out of selling biodiesel the the European Union, Argentina is now trying its hand at getting into the U.S. biodiesel market. Reuters reports the Argentinians believe it will be easier to meet U.S. environmental laws than overcome Europe’s block “We’re going through the process of getting EPA approval, which takes some time,” Luis Zubizarreta, president of the Argentine Biofuels …

Biodiesel, International

New Colorado Biodiesel Plant to Run on Cooking Oil

John Davis

A new Colorado biodiesel plant will be supplied with used cooking oil as its feedstock. Bio Plant Technologies LLC (operating as ClearEcos) and GHP Biodiesel USA Inc. are joining forces to set up an 11.5 million gallon refinery in conjunction with ClearEcos’ Boulder, Colorado used cooking oil (UCO) collection business. Kurt Lange, CEO of Bio Plant Technologies states: “Together with …


Wind Changes Course in Texas

Joanna Schroeder

Port Corpus Christi is a leader in import facilities for major manufacturers including wind energy component cargo from global markets. But the wind is changing course. New wind energy market trends have created a reverse trade this year, and on May 18, 2013, wind components destined for export markets were loaded at Port Corpus Cristi for the first time. Vessel …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Wind

Energy Exec Survey: Energy Independence by 2030

Joanna Schroeder

According to the 11th annual Energy Industry Outlook Survey conducted by the KPMG Global Energy Institute, 62 percent of energy executives believe the U.S. can attain energy independence by 2030, eliminating dependency on foreign oil. The survey polled more than 100 senior energy executives in the U.S. and found that this is a 10 percent increase from last year’s survey. …

Alternative energy, biofuels, Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, Oil, Solar, Wind

Foreign Fuels Reduction Act – Good for Biofuels?

Joanna Schroeder

A fancy title does not good biofuels policy make. Mixed emotions are emanating from the introduction of the “Foreign Fuels Reduction Act,” introduced by U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn). The legislation would allow only domestically-sourced fuels to be used to meet the requirements of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). “It is time for America to create …

advanced biofuels, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Legislation, RFA, RFS