Do You Know This Man?

John Davis

Well, if you don’t, you will by the end of the 2008 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida next week. I’ll be there covering the event for and posting on the conference blog as well. One of the items I hope to see (and bring to you) is a press event that will highlight the use of …

Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference

Possible Soybean Crush Partnership in Wisconsin

John Davis

Officials with Landmark Services Cooperative have announced they want to partner with the state of Wisconsin to build a soybean crushing facility near Evansville, WI., which could help the possibilities of a biodiesel facility going in to the same area. This story in Wisconsin Ag Connection has more details: During a public press conference at its Rock County facilities on …


‘Bama & Montgomery Team Up to Make Biodiesel

John Davis

The state of Alabama and the city of Montgomery (AL) have teamed up to produce biodiesel from used cooking oil for the city’s and the state agriculture department’s trucks. This press release from the Alabama ag department says the announcement came during a joint press conference with Agriculture & Industries Commissioner Ron Sparks and Montgomery’s Mayor Bobby Bright: “I can …


Eye on Biodiesel Award – Gene Hemphill

Chuck Zimmerman

Each year the National Biodiesel Board bestows the “Eye on Biodiesel” awards, designed to recognize individuals and groups who have advanced the board’s mission of public education and industry growth. The awards were presented by NBB Chairman Darryl Brinkmann (left) and NBB CEO Joe Jobe (right). Michael Peterson is pictured in the hat. Award for: Innovation – Gene Hemphill/New Holland …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference

Ethanol Continues to Fuel ADM Profits

Cindy Zimmerman

Shares for Archer Daniels Midland Co. took their biggest leap in over eight years as the world’s biggest corn and oilseed processor announced a second-quarter profit increase of 20 percent. ADM’s net income rose to $441.3 million, or 67 cents a share, in the last three months of 2006, compared to $367.7 million, or 56 cents, a year earlier. Sales …

Ethanol, News

Iowa Corn Growers Prepared to Meet Demand

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa corn growers say they can meet the demand for both food and fuel. Grower leaders from the Iowa Corn Promotion Board and Iowa Corn Growers Association held a media teleconference Friday to answer concerns about corn prices and supplies and the increasing demand for corn to make ethanol. Bob Bowman, ICGA president, who farms in DeWitt, said the current …

Ethanol, News

Feed vs Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

One question that continues to be asked in regard to corn ethanol production is how it will affect the global supply of food for both humans and animals. It was a primary topic of discussion at the Advancing Renewable Energy Conference last week in St. Louis. During a press conference, US Department of Agriculture chief economist Keith Collins was asked …

Ethanol, Government

Renewables in the News

Cindy Zimmerman

The Advancing Renewable Fuels Conference in St. Louis last week received very extensive national and even international coverage. Here’s just a sampling of links to stories from reporters who were on the scene: From the international press, Deutsche Presse-Agentur: Speaking to a meeting on renewable energy in St Louis, Missouri, Bush hailed the savings at the petrol pump for truck …

Energy, Government

PowerShift Tour Features Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

A series of events will be getting underway April 1 designed to “engage decision-makers, youth, farmers, media and the general public on energy security.” The first of six PowerShift conferences is being held this Saturday at Western Michigan University. It will feature a slate of speakers focused on better educating the public about alternative energy options to help reduce the …

EPIC, Ethanol

United For Biodiesel Quality

Cindy Zimmerman

The Soybean Checkoff has helped grow the biodiesel industry to where it is today and they want to ensure continued growth by ensuring the quality of the product. To that end, the checkoff-funded National Biodiesel Board has formed the National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission
