Solar Panel Array Backdrop for Stimulus Bill

John Davis

While Pres. Obama’s signing of the nearly $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act… better known as the Stimulus Bill… attracted lots of attention, especially for the billions that will be going to alternative energy, a Colorado company in the renewable energy field just was glad to help provide the backdrop for the event. Denver based Hybrid Energy Group owns …


Corn Growers Defend Ethanol Against Attacks

Cindy Zimmerman

The nation’s corn growers called comments made Wednesday by a coalition of radical environmental groups “just another attempt to prevent the ethanol industry from decreasing the United States’ dependence on foreign oil.” “These environmental groups are stirring up fear for the American public at a time when Americans are already struggling due to the faltering world economy, job losses and …

corn, Ethanol, NCGA

Biodiesel Leads ASA’s Priorities to Obama

John Davis

Less than a week before the inauguration, the American Soybean Association (ASA) has given President-elect Barack Obama a list of its 2009 policy priorities… and biodiesel tops that list. This press release from the soybean advocacy group has details: “ASA looks forward to working closely with the Obama Administration to achieve these policy priorities, which not only make sense for …

Biodiesel, Government

Tyson/Syntroleum Biodiesel Plant Under Construction

John Davis

The nation’s largest meat processor and a renewable fuel company have started construction on a biodiesel plant in Louisiana that will be the nation’s first renewable synthetic fuels plant. This press release from Tyson Foods and Syntroleum Corp. says the Dynamic Fuels plant in Geismar, Louisiana will produce 75 million gallons of biodiesel a year when it goes to full …


Biofuels Focus at Farm Bureau Meeting

Cindy Zimmerman

Biofuels have been a major topic of discussion at the American Farm Bureau Federation 90th annual meeting in San Antonio this week. A conference titled “The Growing Role of Biofuels for Today, Tomorrow and Beyond,” featured Brooke Coleman, executive director of the New Fuels Alliance and spokesperson for FoodPriceTruth. “Agriculture is the key to the new energy economy,” Coleman said. …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Farming, News

Colorado Hands Out $620K in Ethanol, Biodiesel, Wind & Biomass Grants

John Davis

The State of Colorado has handed out $620,000 in grants for research and development into a variety of renewable energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, biomass and wind energy. This press release from the state Department of Agriculture says the 14 grants have been hand out through the “Advancing Colorado’s Renewable Energy” (ACRE) program: “ACRE is a statewide effort to promote …

Biodiesel, biomass, Ethanol, Government, News, Wind

Iowa RFA to be Lead by Biodiesel Producer

John Davis

For the first time in its history, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association is being led by a biodiesel producer. And, another biodiesel producer is the group’s vice president. This story from Biodiesel Magazine says Denny Mauser, with biodiesel producer Western Iowa Energy, has become president of the IRFA, and Nile Ramsbottom, with biodiesel producer REG Inc., was appointed vice president: …


Obama Picks Please Biodiesel Board

John Davis

President-elect Barack Obama continues to fill his incoming administration with picks that seem to please the biodiesel world. The National Biodiesel Board has sent out congratulations to Dr. Steven Chu, who has been tapped to serve as the U.S. Secretary of Energy; Carol Browner, who was named to the new position of White House Coordinator of Energy and Climate Policy(commonly …

Biodiesel, Government