High School Biodiesel Team Gets Funds for Research

John Davis

While we here about millions of dollars going to big renewable energy programs, it’s nice to hear about a few bucks going to some small, grassroots efforts. A high school biodiesel program from New Hampshire known for beating some colleges in energy competitions has received $5,000 from an anonymous donor.

This story from the Nashua (NH) Telegraph says the Merrimack High School science department will get the money:

In late June, Superintendent Marge Chiafery received an anonymous letter, saying the writer was so impressed by the school’s Biodiesel Team and Science Olympiad, that he or she wanted to donate $5,000 to the school: $1,000 for each of those two groups and $3,000 to the general science department.

Sean Mueller, James Davis and Tray Sleeper, three MHS science teachers, were each commended in the letter, Chiafery said.

“The donor said they were very pleased with that and wants to encourage more of it,” she said.

Chiafery said department head John Snell will be thrilled when he learns of the donation and will meet with the teachers when they come back from vacation in August to discuss the best use of the funds.

The only catch is the school district has to accept the money (c’mon, a school district NOT taking money?). Officials say the money will most likely go toward entrance fees for competitions… maybe some more chances to beat those college kids!

Biodiesel, Energy