All Cars Should Run On E100

Joanna Schroeder

Last year, after President Obama gave his speech about increasing the CAFE requirements – in an effort to save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over a 15-year period– a few ethanol advocates took their frustration to the streets and formed the E100 Ethanol Group. Why? Because as Don Siefkes, Executive Director of the organization points out, “Twenty gallons of gasoline …

Ethanol, News

NBB Pleased to See EPA’s Biodiesel Requirement

John Davis

Today’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcement to require the domestic use of 800 million gallons of biodiesel in 2011 is being welcomed by the National Biodiesel Board. The group says the number, established under the new Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2), shows that biodiesel is the only widely accepted, commercial scale Advanced Biofuel produced in the U.S. that meets the definition …

Biodiesel, Government

Danish Company Claims World’s Largest Cellulosic Ethanol Plant

Cindy Zimmerman

A new cellulosic ethanol plant in Denmark is claiming to be the largest producer of “New Ethanol” in the world, turning wheat straw into 1.4 million gallons per year. According to Inbicon CEO Niels Henriksen, the biorefinery in Kalundborg is producing both cellulosic ethanol and a clean lignin biofuel to replace coal. “But our renewable energy process is as important …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International

Ethanol’s Economic Impact in Indiana

Joanna Schroeder

Yesterday, Indianapolis Colt tight-end Dallas Clark joined Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy and Gen. Wesley Clark, Co-Chairman of Growth Energy to tout the local economic benefits of Indiana’s ethanol industry. The presentation was given during the Indiana Ethanol Forum, an event that focused on the economic impact and importance of ethanol to the state as well as to the …

Ethanol, Growth Energy, News

RFS2 Start Impetus Behind MO Biodiesel Plant Start

John Davis

Today’s implementation of the new Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2) was the impetus behind getting one Midwest biodiesel open by July 1st. reports the new owners of ME Bio Energy of Lilbourne, Missouri wanted to have the doors open of their 5 million-gallon-a-year refinery for today’s historic date: General Manager, Jerry McDowell, said the group has “been working night and …


Three Algae Biofuels Consortia to Share $24 Mil Funding

John Davis

Three groups researching algae-based biofuels will get a big boost from $24 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. Biofuels Digest reports that Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi made the announcemet at this week’s BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in Washington, DC: According to Zoi, the selections will support the …

algae, biofuels

More Senate Inaction on Biodiesel Bill Draws IRFA Ire

John Davis

Another procedural vote failure in the U.S. Senate has put up yet another roadblock to renewal of the federal $1-a-gallon biodiesel tax incentive. And that isn’t sitting well with the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. Past President and Western Iowa Energy Board Member Denny Mauser blasted the Senate and the Obama administration for having plenty of time to help doctors but …


Brazil Refutes Claims of Ethanol Sales to Iran

Cindy Zimmerman

The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) is refuting a claim made by Growth Energy co-chairman Gen. Wesley Clark that they have agreed to sell ethanol to Iran. Clark made that statement in an address at the 2010 Fuel Ethanol Workshop this week and in an interview with Domestic Fuel. In that interview Clark said, “Brazilian ethanol comes with a lot …

Ethanol, Growth Energy, International

Oil Spill Reality Check

Joanna Schroeder

Earlier today, the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) issued its top 10 list of offshore oils sites that they consider “at risk.” The list is an attempt to highlight the world’s choice between moving forward with the addition of more offshore oil rigs or building more sustainable biofuels plants. “The choice is clear,” said Global Renewable Fuels Alliance spokesperson, Bliss …

Biodiesel, blends, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International, Oil, Opinion

East Coast States Form Offshore Wind Consortium

John Davis

A group of 10 states along the U.S. East Coast have signed an agreement with the the Department of the Interior to form the Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium. says the group will also promote solar and biomass power: Federal approval of Cape Wind, the United States’ first offshore wind farm near Cape Cod, essentially gave offshore wind the …

biomass, Solar, Wind