Big Apple Could Use Big Breezes to Power City

John Davis

Besides being home to some politicians who are blow-hards at times, New York City could be in line to have some giant wind turbines to feed the area’s energy needs (much better use of windiness). This New York Times article says that the long-term plan has been to put up huge wind turbines in the Atlantic Ocean off Long Island. …


USDA Proposes Blending Solar and Wind Power

John Davis

A USDA scientist believes wind and solar power generating systems could be set up to complement each other. A study by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) agricultural engineer Brian Vick at the agency’s Renewable Energy and Manure Management Research Unit in Bushland, Texas says that by using solar power during doldrum days and wind at night could help offset the two …

Biodiesel, Solar, USDA, Wind

Renewable Energy Progress

Cindy Zimmerman

Earlier this month, the 25x’25 Alliance released a progress report on where the nation is in terms of the goal of meeting 25 percent of our energy needs with renewable resources by 2025, and they held a press conference with representatives of all the major renewable energy sectors to talk about the report and what still needs to be done. …

Audio, biomass, Domestic Fuel Cast, Electricity, Energy, Ethanol, Geothermal, Growth Energy, Solar, Wind

Green Scissors 2010 Calls for Cut in Wasteful Spending

Joanna Schroeder

At the helm of Friends of the Earth, a new report was released today highlighting government programs and subsidies that are wasteful to taxpayers, harmful to the environment and bad for consumers. The Green Scissors 2010 report targeted four major areas for budget cuts including energy, agriculture and biofuels, infrastructure, and public lands. Many of the recommendations of this report …

biofuels, Ethanol, Oil, Opinion, politics, Research, Solar, transportation, Wind

Freshwater Wind Summit Planned for Cleveland

John Davis

Looks like LeBron James left Cleveland just a little too early, because he could have gone to the Infocast’s Freshwater Wind 2010 Summit, July 19-21. Well, at least YOU won’t have to worry about him sitting in front of you at the Wyndham Cleveland at Playhouse Square and blocking your view of the event for talking about how to best …


Oahu Gets First Utility-Scale Wind Project

John Davis

Paradise just got greener as ground was broken on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu’s first utility-scale wind energy project today. This press release from First Wind says the wind energy company has begun construction on its 30 MW Kahuku Wind project on Oahu’s famed North Shore and could provide power for up to 7,700 homes each year: Hawaii Governor Linda …


New Jersey Passes Offshore Wind Development Act

Joanna Schroeder

At the end of June, the Cape Wind project received federal approval much to the dismay of vocal opponents. This will be the first off-shore wind project in the U.S. and will consist of 130 wind turbines and the project is expected to be complete in 2012. While the debate was raging on around Cape Wind, several other states were …

News, Wind

America’s Slippery Slope of Support for Renewable Energy

Joanna Schroeder

Our country is quickly sliding down a slippery slope. Not too long ago, we were the leaders in renewable energy – wind, solar, biofuels. Today, not only have the major technological advancements come from overseas, our manufacturing facilities, entrepreneurs and investors are going, or have gone overseas as well. Where are they going? Brazil. India. China. Why? Because these countries …

biofuels, biomass, Commentary, Opinion, Solar, Wind

25x’25 Shows Progress Toward Renewable Energy Goal

Cindy Zimmerman

The nation is moving slowly but surely toward greater energy independence, according to a new progress report from 25x’25. Renewable energy produced in the United States between 2004 and 2009 grew by about 23 percent, according to the report, Meeting the 25x’25 Goal: A Progress Report. The 32-page analysis details advances made by the renewable energy sector since the Alliance …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Solar, Wind