Building Energy & Optimum Renewables Ink Wind Deal

Joanna Schroeder

Building Energy, an Italian company involved in the production of renewable energy in Italy and numerous foreign markets, has signed a partnership agreement with Optimum Renewables for the development of a wind farm pipeline in Iowa. The agreement provides for the development of wind farms in Iowa with a total capacity of around 50 MW. Specifically, this will include the …

Electricity, International, Wind

GE to Invest $40 Million Plus Turbines in KS Wind Farm

John Davis

GE is investing $40 million in a wind project in Kansas. GE announced the expansion of its portfolio with Italian power company Enel to include investment of common equity and supplying turbines for the 250-megawatt Buffalo Dunes Wind Project: Last year, the companies invested in the 235-megawatt Chisholm View wind project in Oklahoma, and in the 200-megawatt Prairie Rose wind …


LuminAID Wins Clean Energy Challenge

Joanna Schroeder

Solar-powered inflatable light maker LuminAID Lab has been named the early-stage winner of the 2013 Clean Energy Challenge organized by the Clean Energy Trust. Bearing Analytics of Purdue University won the Student Challenge. Both companies received a $100,000 grant prize sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Inspired by the 2011 earthquake in Japan, LuminAID Lab’s founders designed a …

Alternative energy, Clean Energy, Solar, Wind

Wind Turbine without Blades Debuts at Dutch University

John Davis

A university in the Netherlands debuts a wind turbine without blades, which means it produces no noise nor even casts any moving shadows. The Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo recently installed the EWICON, or Electrostatic WInd energy CONvertor, which turns wind energy in electrical power without moving parts at the Delft University of Technology: The Ewicon can be installed on land …

Research, University, Video, Wind

Purdue Study: Indiana, Midwest Open to Wind Energy

John Davis

Purdue University College of Agriculture funded studies shows Hoosiers, and possibly by extension, Midwesterners, are pretty receptive to wind energy. This school news release says that can even be true for areas that might have rejected wind turbine development: Linda Prokopy, an associate professor of natural resources planning, said much of the research on attitudes toward wind energy and wind …

Research, University, Wind

Wind Energy to Create Boon for Carbon Fiber Industry

John Davis

Big gains in the wind energy industry will lead to gains in the carbon fiber industry. A new report from GBI Research shows that, globally, demand for carbon fiber, a technology making gains as a lighter, stronger alternative to current wind blade materials will nearly triple in the next few years: [Global] carbon fiber demand will hit 153,700 tons in …


New Wind Energy Solutions Sharie Derrickson Honored

Joanna Schroeder

Sharie Derrickson, Vice President of New Wind Energy Solutions in Nashville, TN, along with 13 other female military veterans, were recently honored by White House as part of President Obama’s “Winning the Future,” initiative. Fourteen female military veterans were selected that have provided exemplary leadership at the local, state or regional level. “You are the leaders in our businesses and …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Environment, Wind

European Commission Releases ‘Green Paper’

Joanna Schroeder

The European Commission has opened the debate on EU energy and climate policy after 2020 – offering the energy industry the prospect of the long-term clarity and stability needed for large, long-term investments. The European Commission’s Green Paper on a “2030 framework for climate and energy policies,” presents 2030 targets as a key policy option. “It is important to put …

Renewable Energy, Wind

Renewable Energy Up, Enery Consumption, CO2 Down

Joanna Schroeder

According to the most recent issue of the “Monthly Energy Review” by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), with data through December 31, 2012, renewable energy sources and natural gas expanded rapidly during the Obama Administration’s first term while coal, nuclear power, oil imports and use, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions all declined significantly. Comparing data for 2008 (last year …

Geothermal, Hydro, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind

Wind Tax Credits Helpful But Require a Little Help

John Davis

Credits for wind energy production and investment were approved as part of the deal to avoid the fiscal cliff at the beginning of this year. But deciding which credit is right for your operation and investment takes some good professional advice. Leah Karlov is a lawyer at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, a firm that specializes in the domestic sector, …

Audio, Wind