Things could be looking up for renewal of renewable energy incentives as the U.S. Senate has approved $17 billion in tax credits for wind, solar, geothermal and ocean energy systems. This article from says passage comes on the heels of last week’s similar vote by the U.S. House (see my Sept. 17th post): The tax credits, due to expire …
Biodiesel, Ethanol & Wind Facing Uphill Battle on the Hill
The latest version of the energy bill, which includes an extension of the $1-a-gallon biodiesel tax credit and federal incentives for wind and solar energy (which were all set to expire at the end of this year), has passed the U.S. House, but its future is most assuredly less assured as it moves on to the U.S. Senate. Senate Majority …
House Passes Energy Bill with Renewable Fuels Provisions
The U.S. House has approved a measure that will renew some tax credits for wind and solar power that were set to expire at the end of this year, as well as allowing more drilling for offshore oil. This story from the San Francisco Chronicle says passage came after some contentious debate on the issue: [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi hailed …
Alternatives Could Create More Jobs Than Petroleum
A report issued by the the Sierra Club, United Steelworkers, the Blue Green Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council and Audubon New York says that investment in the biodiesel and ethanol industries, wind energy, and solar power could produce four times the number of jobs as compared to investing that same amount in the petroleum oil sector. And this article from …
Dem Convention Runs on Biodiesel, Solar & Wind
If you’ve been watching any of the Democratic Convention you’ve been seeing plenty of windy people talking up a storm (hey, they’re politicians… Republicans will spew plenty of hot air next week!). But wind energy (the kind that turns turbines), along with solar and biodiesel, is helping behind the scenes. National Geographic’s Green Guide blog has details: This week’s Democratic …
Solar Panel Cleaner Needed in Wake of Wildfires
The recent California wildfires, that have charred thousands of acres and done millions of dollars in damage, have also had an impact on the state’s important solar power industry. The soot from those fires obscures the photovoltaic cells, making them less efficient. SolarFrameWorks, a maker of solar technology, has introduced a new solar panel cleaning agent, PowerBoost… a touchless, biodegradable …
Postal Service Delivering on Alternatives
Your mail could be delivered using green energy. This story from NPR says that the U.S. Postal Service has the largest fleet of alternatively-fueled vehicles in the country… 43,000 strong. And that’s just the beginning of its green efforts: It’s using solar cells to power some buildings. It’s using eco-friendly packaging. It’s so hip, it even has a vice president …
Where to Grow Alternative Energy
The world faces a daunting task in replacing what’s known as the “cubic mile of oil” consumed worldwide each year. But like any gargantuan task, it all starts with small steps. To help those small steps grow into sustainable replacements for our dependence on petroleum, this article from Forbes has some suggestions where the most fertile ground in the U.S. …
Florida Gov Signs Alt Energy Bill
Florida Governor Charlie Crist has signed a comprehensive alternative energy bill that is being touted as putting his state on the right foot for beginning true energy independence, while being realistic. This story from the Walton Sun says the new law will encourage investments in alternative and renewable energy technology and will help reduce greenhouse gases: This follows a year …
Investment in Biodiesel, Ethanol, Solar & Wind Up 60%
The world’s investment in clean energies – solar, wind and biofuels – jumped an amazing 60 percent from 2006 to 2007… thanks to rising oil prices and changing climate rules. This story from says the information came from a United Nations Environment Program report: Wind power attracted the most financing at $50 billion, according to a report today from …