The latest data from the Environmental Protection Agency shows just how much the small refiner exemptions have resulted in demand destruction, even more than estimated just a few months ago. According to an analysis by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) updated from April, the waivers have resulted in “effectively lowering the 2017 required volume of renewable fuels by 1.37 billion …
Ethanol Report on EPA Changes
Ethanol industry stakeholders were relieved to see Scott Pruitt depart from the Environmental Protection Agency on July 5 and deputy administrator Andrew Wheeler appointed as acting chief. With a Supreme Court justice nominee on the table, it is unlikely President Trump will be moving too quickly to nominate a new EPA administrator, so Wheeler will probably have the job for …
RFS Volumes Hearing Next Week
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will have a public hearing next week in Ypsilanti, MI on July 18 to receive comments on the proposed rule “Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020.” Parties wishing to testify at the hearing should notify the “FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT” person listed in the Public Hearing Notice by …
Growth Energy Reacts to EPA Proposal
Growth Energy remains committed to making sure the Renewable Fuel Standard moves forward, despite EPA’s proposed volumes for 2019 that essentially move the program backward. Growth Energy Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley says EPA’s proposal this week for 15 billion gallons for conventional biofuels in 2019 fails to ensure those gallons will, in fact, be blended. “By neglecting …
Report Contradicts EPA Chief
Yet another revelation in the Environmental Protection Agency small refinery exemption saga came to light this week, thanks to the investigative journalism of Reuters, reporting Tuesday that EPA “consistently ignored recommendations from the Department of Energy (DOE) to reject or limit waivers to oil refiners seeking exemptions from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).” This contradicts what EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt …
Ethanol Report on EPA RFS Proposal
At one time, the ethanol industry would have been thrilled with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal for 2019 RFS blending requirements, which maintains the 15 billion gallon statutory level for conventional biofuels and increases the levels for advanced biofuels. But that was before EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt started handing out small refinery exemptions like Halloween candy resulting in over …
EPA Releases 2019 Biofuel Proposal
The Environmental Protection Agency released its proposal for 2019 biofuel obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Tuesday, maintaining the statutory level for corn ethanol while increasing advanced biofuels, but failing to address the small refinery exemptions that have decimated demand and effectively lowered the required amount of biofuels to be blended. Under the proposed rule, conventional renewable fuel volumes …
House Subcommittee Hearing on Advanced Biofuels
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment held its fourth hearing this year aimed at addressing issues related to fuels and vehicles, this time focusing on advanced biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Among those who testified at the hearing on Friday were Advanced Biofuels Association president Mike McAdams, National Association of Truck Stop Operators representative Robin Puthusseril, …
House Democrats Demand Answers from EPA
Democratic members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Committee on Agriculture led by Reps. Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and Cheri Bustos (D-IL) are demanding that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt provide additional information regarding his agency’s “failed implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).” A letter signed by a dozen Democrats presents a series of questions seeking information …
Midwest Voters Want Trump to Protect RFS
A new poll, funded by the National Biodiesel Board, shows that voters across three Midwestern states overwhelmingly say they support federal policies to encourage growth in biodiesel and renewable fuels use. In a survey of voters in Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota, respondents’ support cut across party lines, with more than two-thirds of Republicans and nearly three-quarters of Independents saying they …