Clean Fuels Conference 202

Major Ethanol Campaign Kickoff

Cindy Zimmerman

The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council has set in motion a major media campaign to promote ethanol nationwide, as well as a push for ethanol in Florida. Two :30 second ethanol commercials debuted Friday on ESPN, ESPN2, ABC, SPEED TV, CBS and NBC. The commercials aired during ESPN2’s one-hour “2007 IndyCar Series Season Preview” to highlight the March 24 season …

EPIC, Ethanol, News, Promotion

Ethanol Branding Makes Progress

Cindy Zimmerman

Being able to identify ethanol at the pump nationwide can help consumers “fill up and feel good” no matter where they are. That’s the goal of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council’s “e” branding program, which already has seven states on board in just a few months. This edition of “Fill up, Feel Good” talks about the progress, the program’s …

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, News, Promotion

Are You Ready For Some Ethanol?

Cindy Zimmerman

The ethanol industry has kicked off a new promotion with tailgate parties and pump promotions centered around pro football games this fall. According to Reece Nanfito, Ethanol Promotion and Information Council’s senior director of marketing, promotions for the fuel are planned to take place prior to professional football match-ups around the country. “At the tailgating parties, we have tents and …

EPIC, Ethanol, Promotion

Earthrace Low on Financial Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

The first 100-percent pure biodiesel race boat is running short on funding and may not finish it’s world tour as planned. According to news reports, like this one from the NY Times, Earthrace – aka “the World’s Coolest Boat” – is drowning in debt and stuck on the west coast. The boat was due to arrive on the east coast …

Biodiesel, Promotion